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  1. R

    Hi-end DAC

    I have the Linn Selekt DSM mono organic DAC in my system, that I paid tad more than 15K. I settled on that after trying the T+A DAC 200 and the mola mola Tambaqui.. I have had the Linn for a little less than a year and been very happy with the rest of the system. Recently I came across the...
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    S.M.S.L SU-9n issue

    Had a question folks. I recently bought this unit from Amazon, the one thing I noticed is in the menu, I don't see a line for 'Outputs' where you can go in and select 'All', RCA or XLR. I am confused because the little manual says that option should be part of the Menu Tree, I see this in my...
  3. R

    Out for a few more days

    The physical and mental part of the stress is a horrible combination. As the water kept coming into the utility room, I was using this industrial strength wet/dry vac with a garden hose connected to it, so I syphon the water out to the street. I was doing this every 10 minutes non-stop for a...
  4. R

    Out for a few more days

    So sorry to hear of all the flooding issues Amir, living in the northwest I know the nightmare of it. I had to deal with flooding beginning of this year, when multiple atmospheric river events slammed us back to back. I had the old french drains replaced at both the top and the bottom of the...
  5. R

    Gold Note DS-10

    Missed answering one of your questions from before, between the Luxman and Mcintosh DAC, the Luxman is in a different class.. As much as I hate to say it, the Mcintosh DAC doesn't cut it. It's too bright for me.. The Luxman sounds so much more luxurious, more refined, greater clarity and just...
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    Gold Note DS-10

    I hear you my friend!! its okay to end up in the dog house every now and then as long as its a worthy reason :) I am reluctant to say that I have always enjoyed equalization with a fear of being run out of town by audio purist folks with pitch forks. Glad to hear you are on the same wave...
  7. R

    First week with Magico A3

    Thought I'd share my first week experience on the A3 Magico's. Speakers out of the box, nice black sheen to the finish.. Heavy as hell.. After struggling with a piece of gym matt underneath each speaker to move them around in the room, I suddenly had this brilliance, what if I go get furniture...
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    "I Swapped Spotify for Vinyl and It Changed My Life"

    Now with ultra-hd movie disks, bluray seems obsolete.. Not sure when my 4k collection is going to become obsolete
  9. R

    Gold Note DS-10

    Hope all is well.. with other speakers I have been tempted to insert the equalizer into the loop.. But with the Magico I have no desire to use any form of equalization.. I do use the sub with the pass filter turned all the way down close to 30Mhz or so.. It adds a smooth bass to the Magico...
  10. R

    Magico A3

    I'll certainly look into that..
  11. R

    Magico A3

    Have not put them on spikes yet, trying to find the best spot for them.. I have them on pieces of gym mats, as they are confoundingly heavy to move..
  12. R

    Extreme Snake Oil

    Just the sight of it makes me nauseous.. I am afraid of snakes..
  13. R

    Magico A3

    Thank you!!
  14. R

    Magico A3

    Got the Magico A3's delivered last night.. Hooked them up to MA352, with the Luxman DX03 DAC for a Lumin U1 mini streamer. Started with vintage French music.. Think I have finally achieved the elusive audio nirvana.. Excellent clarity, controlled bass and non fatiguing highs.. Quite haunting.. I...
  15. R

    Gold Note DS-10

    Thank you!! Suffering from magicoism :).. Hard to concentrate at work.. I was listening to them last night, up for a while getting lost in vintage French music.. Just haunting.. the clarity, the controlled bass, the non fatiguing highs.. I am becoming a big fan of clean metal and closed design...
  16. R

    Gold Note DS-10

    Got the A3 delivered yesterday.. :)
  17. R


    Is Lumin app only available for IOS and Android and not for windows? Does anyone know?
  18. R

    Fleetwood Deville

    I just read a comment from owner Oliver of Delve Audio saying compared to Fleetwood Deville speakers, Magico A series is a con game.. His store sells Fleetwood speakers.. that just about killed my curiosity in them
  19. R

    Leaving a amplifier on..

    That's exactly what I do, the Luxman DX03 CD/DAC has a push/pull on/off button, meaning it cannot be turned off and on with the remote control. So I have that plugged into the slave slot of the Belkin power strip with the power switch pushed in to have it on all the time, and have a Pioneer AV...
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