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  1. C

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Agree completely. The equipment is the equipment; it doesn't have moods. Well, maybe except tube gear... ;)
  2. C

    Extreme Snake Oil

    This place is such a breath of fresh air compared to some other popular sites where to question snake oil subjects one to public derision.
  3. C

    My ceiling fan is causing interference in my DAC/AMP

    No, I don't think so. The ceiling fan is never run higher than medium while the Vortex is usually run at higher speeds.
  4. C

    My ceiling fan is causing interference in my DAC/AMP

    I have a small system in my living room against a wall and a ceiling fan overhead in the center of the room. If I run the fan playing music, there's a warble effect in the music. Turn of the fan and it's gone. During the warm months, I now run a Vortex fan from the floor and, as it's below...
  5. C

    Ashamed to be a Skeptic

    The birds aren't real website is a hoot. Clever stuff.
  6. C

    Anyone Else Buying New Vinyl?

    I haven't bought a new album since Thriller came out. Regardless, I have about 500 albums that I bought back when vinyl was the medium of choice and love listening to my old collection. I guess I mostly stopped buying new records after CDs came out. Back in my day, once the Walkman became a...
  7. C

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    Just wanted to add that I print digital images on real paper in real frames and it's been a whole lot less time and trouble than when I was in a traditional darkroom. I see film not unlike records because with both, you have an actual source instead of digital files. I have negatives going...
  8. C

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    You're lucky you don't live in my world. We have two home of about 2200-2300 sq ft. We have a total of 8 sofas and love seats, 2 king size beds, 2 queen size beds, and 4 twin beds. Then there are the books, the guitars and amps, the records and stereo gear (total of 5 systems between the two...
  9. C

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    Like Playboy, where I used to buy it for the articles, I used to subscribe to the New Yorker for the cartoons. I don't think I ever read a damn thing in there otherwise. Today, they're too *woke* for me to bother anymore.
  10. C

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    I understand what you're saying completely. 21st century overload. But I still stream these days more than anything else even though I have a nice record collection from the old days (when I bought new records) and CD collection. Most all of my streaming is jazz and it's on almost all day as...
  11. C

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    If you saw how many cameras and lenses I've acquired, you wouldn't ask that. Of course, there was this Leica M10...;) More seriously, I'm fortunate at this stage of life that I can afford certain things I couldn't 30-40 years ago. Problem is, I no longer really want them. Like I've tried to...
  12. C

    New Yorker piece on audiophiles

    As an amateur photography enthusiast with nearly 60 years of experience, I've said on a photo forum based around Fuji cameras (which I own and like) when it comes time for the latest upgrade that if the first gen or second gen of the camera took good images, does it not still? I own three of...
  13. C

    Summer System

    Good to read. We have a 4 Seasons sunroom at our house in town but have not set up a music system in it. Turns out, we use it far less than we thought we would. Looks very nice off the living room though and is useful when entertaining.
  14. C

    Summer System

    So you sit on the couch with the speakers on either side of your head facing forward or do you sit opposite the speakers so they are facing you?
  15. C

    Bookshelf and sub(s) versus floor standers in a small room

    I saw later that the fellow who runs this site tested the NHT SuperOne 2.1 speakers and didn't like them. I couldn't have disagreed with his review more but horses for courses as our British friends say. I like them so well, I have three pairs; two of the originals made in the USA and this...
  16. C

    Bookshelf and sub(s) versus floor standers in a small room

    In my 13.5x18.5x8' living room, I run a pair of NHT SuperOne 2.1 speakers. Amp is a Marantz PM8004. I find this combination more than enough regarding volume. I'm one who hates low frequencies and find the SuperOnes to be just right for my music (mostly acoustic jazz, some classical rock, and...
  17. C

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    When I was younger and living in apartments, I used headphones out of necessity but for the past 26+ years, I've lived in the country where my closest neighbor is half a mile away. I don't use headphones much anymore. I do have a pair of Grado SR-80e and Sony MDR-7506 still but I can't...
  18. C

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    Mostly, I avoid that site because I'm not at all interested in headphones (but do own a couple pairs).
  19. C

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    A great reason to avoid that site. Most of the audiophile forums border on insanity when it comes to moderation when questioning commonly held audiophile beliefs.
  20. C

    Message to golden-eared audiophiles posting at ASR for the first time...

    I came across the OP's post while googling and joined this forum just so I could say, "Amen, brother!" As I've said elsewhere, I'm a music lover, not an audiophile! Most that I've known in real life got tiresome very quickly. The forums are similar. Anyway, glad to have found this place.
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