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  1. T

    Revel F226be and C426be review on Audioholics

    Few questions on these: 1. Would C426 be too large for a 12x14 HT at a MLP of 9 ft? Currently use Heco Celan Revolution 4. 2. Could C426 blend ok with MoFi SP10 mains? 3. Anyone hear both F226 and SP10 who can expand on whether or not the former is worth $2400 more than the latter...
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    NAD C 399 HybridDigital DAC Amplifier

    Need some quick help. I can get a brand new C399 with BluOS for $1899 shipped. Currently I’m using my Denon 6700 in preamp mode with a VTV Hypex 502. Would this be a worthwhile investment? Will I notice an improvement? It’s a nicely treated room by the way. I already have enough...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    I would go with the Revels for dual purpose, as HDI would suck some of the life out of the HT experience for me. The sound profile felt more chill than toe-tapping. Personally I would go in the other direction and demo the Revels against something a touch more forward & lively and keep the winner.
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    I listened to them side by side at Audio Advice and thought the HDI’s sounded a little darker/veiled by comparison. Guess it depends what your ears are after.
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    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    I wasn’t demanding anything. I was asking for assistance. I don’t want to know what something is; I want to know why I need it. If it can improve my music listening, then tell me how it improves it. I think that’s a fair enough ask when it involves spending an additional $1500 above & beyond...
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    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    Yup. I definitely posted a comment looking for honest opinions about the subjective differences people have experienced between the SHD and an AVR just to waste my time…. but I appreciate the comment. You’ve been very helpful. Cheers
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    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    Respectfully, this still doesn’t address my question. Superior sound in what ways?… and by how many magnitudes of superiority are we talking here? Is it “Yeah I can tell a slight improvement”…… or is it, “WHOA I can’t believe I listened to music on my Denon 6700 and actually thought it sounded...
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    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    Thank you for the honest answer. I do listen in 2-channel mode, just with Audyssey engaged, as it sounds better than Pure Direct.
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    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    I appreciate the response, but unfortunately it didn’t address my question. I understand what it does, which you’ve reiterated here. What I need to know is why I need it. Are the results worth it enough to merit an additional $1300 above and beyond my 6700? I already have Audyssey XT32 +...
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    Minidsp SHD Review Updated (DSP, DAC & Streamer)

    I’m currently using my Denon 6700 in full preamp mode, with Audyssey on, streaming Tidal from Roku to the 6700. Now that my HT is finally finished I can think about dedicating resources to 2-channel listening. My question is: if I get an audio switch and plug the SHD into the chain, what...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    Thanks Rooskie, I appreciate the post brother. How are you enjoying the Celans? I listened to their Belladonnas for 45 minutes or so at Audio Advice in Raleigh. Those speakers are pretty nuts to say the least. The level of power and attack was astonishing! I had to check the 15” ported...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    Sorry, didn’t realize every neutral speaker sounds exactly the same as each other to begin with. I’ll cease further posts. Apologies to everyone for the accidental derailment.
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    So arrogant and condescending. So you’re suggesting there are few “critical listeners” among the abundance of people who buy speakers, expensive ones to boot, that don’t measure dead neutral? That’s one of the most absurd statements I’ve ever heard. You actually think people who own 2k, 5k...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    There’s context & interpretation to this though. What actually IS “normal”? What is “sounding like it was meant to sound”? You and others claim “neutral” is how it should sound bc that’s how it was recorded. Well, respectfully, let me debunk that notion. Have you ever been to a concert? I...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    Silly to you maybe bc you like a neutral speaker.. but there’s a reason why not every manufacturer makes a neutral speaker and actually has sales from those speakers, and that’s bc not everyone enjoys a neutral speaker. I think I explained my own opinion perfectly well. There’s a reason why...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    A member here did a home shootout of Ascend Sierra 2 RAAL, Revel Performa3, Focal Aria, Dynaudio Excite X18, and Dynaudio Emit M20. He found Emit M20 to be the most enjoyable, which didn’t surprise me the least. Since he liked Emit so much, I told him to find some Contour 20’s, use the...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    Not all of us want a neutral speaker that we have to EQ up to taste in a manner that may not be fitting of the original engineering of the speaker. For me there is no “bringing the fun back when it makes sense to”, as I would be bored to death with a speaker that spends the majority of its time...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    All I can say is their Fluktus tweeter design isn’t marketing gibberish. This 65 yr old company apparently knows what they’re doing. It may be 30mm but due to the design it’s as detailed/transparent as many metal-domed stuff and may even sound bright in a bad room. The Celans place me in say...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    Regarding sensitivity— it has to be close to accurate, as they were the loudest speaker I heard at Audio Advice w/o any attempt at level matching. Not sure about rolling off. They were the biggest sounding bookshelf there sans the oversized stuff. They sound like small towers, and in an A/B...
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    Revel M106 Bookshelf Speaker Review

    IMO they’re pretty close to giant killers. I sold my Dynaudio Contour 20’s bc I flat out thought these were better in all facets above let’s say 50-60 hz. A different member here did the same, as well as his Special 40’s I believe. I made one of the most respected members of the Dynaudio forum...
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