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  1. olieb

    Totem Acoustics Rainmaker Speaker Review

    Thank you for the reply. So this is what I take away: Below ≈80Hz we „hear“ only the spl presented at the ear(s) [no spatial cues] room modes can be described by steady-state terms and measurements they are minimum phase phenomena and can be EQed correcting the time domain in the process...
  2. olieb

    Totem Acoustics Rainmaker Speaker Review

    I found this discussion coming from a thread on diyaudio. But these answers got me a bit confused. Now, does these special kind of source-sink models (DBA-subwoofers) work as intended or are they simplified simulations that do not? Are they chasing a wrong metric or is the metric not so...
  3. olieb

    Linkwitz LX521.4 - new build and impressions

    I agree. Considering how much talk there is about this speaker, which is one of a kind, it is more than astonishing that it has not been done already a long time ago. I would love to see Klippel spinorama AND harmonic distortion.
  4. olieb

    SMSL PS200 Budget DAC Review

    This is all you need. SU-1 is virtually the same though with a metal case and 10$ less. EDIT: But of course PS200 has the clear advantage of "Bluetooth Specification: 5.0(SBC) [!]" if that is what you are after.
  5. olieb

    Why do movie makers get the HiFi so wrong?

    How could we? In movies most is "wrong". Nothing looks like in the real world, the light, the colors, the textures, the people - nothing sounds right (tires, engines, guns, swords, voices, space....) and what happens is unreal most of the time, too. People love fakes. But a good fake needs to...
  6. olieb

    Recommend speakers that disappear

    Thank you. But I do not see how this explains anything about the sound stage being created by the room. In respect to Linkwitz my interpretation would be that you did not reproduce him correctly. While it is correct of course that sound comes from all directions in a concert hall, his idea...
  7. olieb

    Recommend speakers that disappear

    Ok, that's interesting. I would fully agree with @goat76 here, and maybe just because the idea "the room creates the soundstage" does not make sense to me at all. I really do not understand what is meant by that. I come from classical music and therefore from acoustical recordings of ensembles...
  8. olieb

    analog EQ This is 23€ and 4 channel, but it is without case and to program it you need an interface, that is 24€ on top...
  9. olieb

    He6se v2 help me

    If the A30pro still has not enough power for you, maybe consider the 3eaudio A5? The main problem with using a power amp is noise (and destruction of the headphone of course). A5(se) has 107dB SNR relative to 5W/4Ω (4.5Vrms). The HE6 has a sensitivity of 1.5V for 94dBspl or 104dBspl for 4.5Vrms...
  10. olieb

    New suspension

    That might not be such a bad method after all. Considering that it is mostly H2 (judging from the graph that seems to present a very aggravated example in a somewhat misleading way as "area deviation" is not SPL) and high excursion happens only at the lowest part of the passband, this - while...
  11. olieb

    Power amplifier tests with respect to FTC: 16 CFR Part 432 (July 5, 2024) requirements on output power claims

    I would think otherwise. With pink noise the onset of clipping is at -9dB of max sine power. Considering that pink noise is a rather good proxy for music this means that in the loudest seconds of listening you will rarely reach 10% of peak power. And clipping is "beyond typical operational...
  12. olieb

    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Exactly! In a nutshell that is what you @3eaudio should take away from all those posts. Whatever you think you need to install as an automatic, make sure that it can be switched off. It is just not possible to cover all use cases, not even by a long shot. Many users - like me - will be ok with...
  13. olieb

    RCA interconnects; why coax construction and not simple 2 wire?

    Probably not even cheaper. Coax is just the thing everybody is used to and it works well. Most people do not easily go for a change. And twisted pair is ok too for audio connections. Kal Robinson does use it...
  14. olieb

    Speakers in wooden box

    Having rounded edges might improve the smoothness by reducing diffraction. But changing the dimensions (too much) can throw off the FR a bit. You could try to simulate the old and the new baffle to check for the impact of this measure with Jeff Bagby's spreadsheet...
  15. olieb

    What's your favorite cool name for a scientific theory or event... like "Occam's Razor" or "Maxwell's Demon"?

    Von Neumann Universal Constructor This is the basis of my view of the panspermia idea. An advanced civilization will sooner or later develop self replicating probes to send out to the galaxy as the distances cannot be overcome otherwise. My idea is, this might already have happenend, billions of...
  16. olieb

    Sub 1V SINAD?

    Formula for noise voltage of a resistor. For 100 Ω and BW=∆f=20kHz that computes to U_N ≈ 0.18µV or -141dB compared to 2V.
  17. olieb

    Equidistant baffle for coaxial driver

    I do not think it is a particularly good one. Probably the worst shape of a baffle you can have is a circular one where all distances to the edges are equal. But by folding the surface you will not get a "quasi"-circle anyways as the diffraction appears when and where the surface is curved (in...
  18. olieb

    Lack of sidewalls effect

    Yes and it could mean dark as well as bright depending on the FR below 1kHz. Front wall reflections and (missing) side wall reflections do not do much over 1kHz. So if the effect is in 1-20kHz it is probably not about reflections. (More so about the general "treatment" of the room.)
  19. olieb

    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    I got my A5se today. I am not going to describe the sound, just some observations. It is working ;-) The volume pot is a bit flimsy, the knob has some slack and it wobbles. So I am happy to use the bypass. It came with 5532s as expected. There is no goo around these. The amp "sings" a bit...
  20. olieb

    Open baffle subwoofer - anybody?

    I guess the best start for dipole woofers - and that includes real world implementations and measurements - is Siegfried Linkwitz. The simplest approach is probably the H-frame construction. You should not forget that...
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