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  1. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Reading all the posts, just a general wondering, but I’m wondering how you all rate the coolness factor. I come from a decent 5.2 setup with a Marantz SR6010 receiver, a Yamaha AX-892 to power the fronts (Monitor Audio GS10) and the center (Monitor Audio GSLCR) & surrounds (Minitor Audio RX1)...
  2. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Except for the V3M’s it’s 5W per amp
  3. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    That’s the thing that confuses me about the V3M’s. I noticed that they very steadily use 10W per amp in on/active mode, no matter the type of content (or volume) I’m playing. With 90% efficiency, you’d expect the actual power usage to be much more volatile.
  4. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    That was my initial intuition as well. However, as Fosi explicitly wants to use the entire case as a heatsink, it might actually make sense to do it this way (as it ensures maximum heat spreading over the entire case).
  5. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Actually, that's one of the perks unlocked as part of the KS campaign
  6. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Just so to understand, but the effect of the fan is mechanical, as in vibrations when they are mounted (almost) directly on the amp, or are they electrical or magnetic or something?
  7. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I got these from AE: Got 5 V3M’s lined up next to each other, and these holders put them at a nice angled position for better airflow (mine are in a cabinet with active ventilators, so looks are not an issue)
  8. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Just love how we’re Mad-Maxing these things
  9. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Thank you for the suggestion, will try something similar: put the mono's for front speakers on one smart plug, and the mono's for the surrounds on another (and the center without smart plug); with a one second delay between powering them on. Let's see of that does the trick. I also found a...
  10. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Yup, just happened to me now as well :( So one smart plug to rule them all is not the way forward, unfortunately? Any trick to circumvent this, other than using 5 smart plugs? Maybe there’s a device that can be put in between to limit the inrush or something?
  11. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Sorry, misread your question: so standby is auto; usage is after the amps go in auto-standby but before (obviously) the smart switch kills the power. On a side-note: when on, they (together) use 50W on a very very stable level. No matter if I play nothing or quite loud music, power consumption...
  12. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    If that is a recurring problem, then I’m sure my quintuple setup will experience it soon I will post here if something unbecoming happens
  13. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Based on feedback from another user I set them to auto (haven’t tried to set it to on). HA is programmed to flip the switch on the smart plug 11 minutes after my receiver is turned off.
  14. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Coincidence, but I just today hooked up my 5 V3 mono's to a smart plug (single plug to control all 5), and runs as smoothly as I could have hoped for: Furthermore, when I look at the extended graph, there are no power peaks above 51 W (for all 5 combined as mentioned). Standby usage of all 5...
  15. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Noob question: but if all your speakers have polarity reversed, all is fine then, or is it something objectively inferior?
  16. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    So all of them are like that and need to be hooked up in reverse, or what?
  17. J

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Question: I’m considering to maybe cancel the SP601 speaker part of my pledge, and just keep the mono’s (in other words: requesting money back for the speakers). Is that something that I can do, or does that violate the whole Kickstarter idea?
  18. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Btw, I got 4x Muse02 op-amp for anyone interested (in the Netherlands). I think €10 per piece is a fair price?
  19. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    also my 2 cents on heat; mine are in a fairly large cabinet that stores, amongst others, the mono’s, a Marantz receiver, a i3 based Home Assistant PC, an 8-port switch, and some other minor electronics. The cabinet has two 200mm fans (one for air intake, one for air output). After several hours...
  20. J

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    So, hooked them up to my Marantz, and 31dB seems to be the way to go. At this setting the power/volume seems to be similar to the Marantz own internal amplifier output. At 25dB I had to put the volume way way up compared to what I’m used to.
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