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    Neumann KH80DSP Teardown

    So my KH80 has refused to turn on today , just half year after warranty end date. Power LED do not lit. Intending to disassemble it and check those trash neumann capactiors you guys were talking about
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    Moondrop x Crinacle DUSK

    finally got a pair of these. So far very impressed with how good fit and comfort is almost dissolved in my ears and SQ is perfect to my taste. I use Qdelix 5k with dusk default EQ set
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    1.5 mbps bitrate - maximum 44.1 khz according to this table
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    but the device owner stated a few posts ago that the device is limited to 44.1 khz because lack of earc support.. is he wrong? Doesn't an eark device could extract more bitrate from the...
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    so this dac supports only arc and not earc? I do not get why they did not add earac support when there are plenty of cheap earc audio extractors.
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    SMSL SU-6 Review (Desktop DAC)

    i am waiting when the industry to take next step towards cheap dsp dacs with eq abitity
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    Drop Dan Clark Audio Aeon Closed X

    did he made such measurements for the open model?
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    AMP good enough for my new headphone (HD800S)

    one of worst headphones i ever had without eq best i ever heard after eq if you don't plan to use eq software, better buy sundara or something
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    Master Complaint Thread About Headphone Measurements

    solid choice if you want to listen music. however, most ppl browsing review sites just suffer from a gadget acquisition syndrome, and music is only self-justification for that
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    Master Complaint Thread About Headphone Measurements

    I think Crin does the right stuff to hype up his youtube channel and crank views
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    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Yeah I was thinking the same earlier, but after a buch of A/B testing EQ curves and tinkering with REW, I was found out that precise autogenerated ones sounds much better for my ears. I.e. vocals sounds more natural, no harshness, no mudiness, better than oratory1990 curve. Idk may be I just...
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    RME ADI-2 Pro as digital DSP

    You cant, without degrading EQ quality. And such degradation will be far more noticeable than difference between dacs or 96khz resampling (which i think will be not noticeable at all)
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    RME ADI-2 Pro as digital DSP

    it will add unnecessary adc->dac conversions in op case, as i understand. with digital input/output would be better solution, also its kinda cheaper than RME ADI-2 Pro as signle digital DSP
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    Qudelix-5K Bluetooth DAC & Headphone Amp

    it is not very convenient to use sofware EQ, for example i can connect Q5K to any source -- PC for streaming music and youtube, game console, even tv box and have no worry about my headphones EQ profile
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    Qudelix-5K Bluetooth DAC & Headphone Amp

    do you guys know if any new dacs with integrated peq appeared in the market? I need something bit more powerfull and without battery for desktop use
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    Will this work with ps5

    just buy qdelix 5k instead, it works as dac with usb ps5 connection.
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    Arya/Ananda Hybrid

    eq-d hd800s endgame headphones for me, very wide (room-like) soundstage and very natural tonality after eq. Just pleasure listening to
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    Arya/Ananda Hybrid

    I had Ananda and Arya at same time briefly and actually prefer sundaras to both of them
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    Topping L50 Review (Headphone Amp)

    I think the better way is to just not care about haters and conspirologists
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    is it good idea to use usb dongle dac with desktop amp?

    there are so many usb dongles with excellent measurements now, so i wonder if there is any reasons to buy an "proper"dac. Do i lose something by stacking usb dongle dac with topping L30 using 3.5-rca cable? Comparing to E30, for example. I only need a usb input. e1da 9038d dongle even have THD...
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