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  1. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I really dont understand whats the point with the heat... People love to touch their amp while playing music ? With 120W I do Hope those little monsters get warm :rolleyes:
  2. K

    Topping G5 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    OMG that explains everything... many thanks!
  3. K

    Topping G5 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    Hi, sorry but are you sure of that ? My Android (2022) with USB C seems not working with my SMSL DO100.. both gos an USB C port and I tried with multitple USB C cables :o
  4. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    But if the Fosi V3 Mono Can reach 2x120W with 5V inside, why shoule I put 100V inside ?
  5. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    I Can make you an offer of 230$ for the 2 V3 Mono with 48V 5A PSUs ;):p
  6. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Many many thanks for this answer about input sensitivity I'm understanding much more, it s really clear and I understand much better why my volume is at 15% on my old Sansui :facepalm:
  7. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    What is the Peak power of this V3 Mono ?
  8. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Hmmmm... I'm starting to be very doubtful about this range of class D amps. So this 120wpc amp would be much less powerful than my class AB of 80wpc (Sansui AU 9500)?! It's very annoying...
  9. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Hmmm, my DAC got a 4V output on XLR, do you know which preamp could boost that ? Thanks
  10. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Hi, I am really surprised to have to rise high volume (80% on my DAC smsl do300) to power my speaker with 2x V3 with psu 48v 5A in XLR ... They have a low sensibility (86db) but i'm still really worried about putting so much power (AT least 100w) to feed them... Class D reality ? DAC preamp...
  11. K

    Fosi v3 Mono - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Well received my 2 V3 Mono with 5A 48V and 2 Muse02 Sounds good in RCA, some harsh in the voices (above 9khz)... New test to Come this Weekend with XLR and Kef 105.2
  12. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Hi, how is the sound compared to BT20A Pro please ? Thanks
  13. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Sorry but where this rule is coming from ?
  14. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    You really want to investiguate ? IMO There is a lot of other factor to consider... Have you think about the Name Alphabetical order for example ? FYI Mine have been sent yesterday... My name starts by a "C" and my Kickstarter number is >1000 ;)
  15. K

    Amplifier recommendations for vintage KEF 105.1

    Hi :) Sorry to dig up this topic but having just bought these same speakers, I'm in turn looking for an amp to drive them. I ordered a Fosi V3 Mono (120WPC) but I have the impression that it will be light considering the size of my room (45m2) and the listening distance. Do you have any...
  16. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    It's true, I can listen a little bit loud :facepalm: But more true, the room is 45m2 and listening distance can be around 5~6 meters... perhaps that's the problem :) I was surprised to use the BT20Pro at 80~90% power rating.. and prefer to have some power reserve... but perhaps V3 Mono will...
  17. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Thanks for your answer ! So for a low sensibility speaker (86db, needs 200WPC), TPA3255 is perhaps not the best choice.. any recommendation please ? Thanks
  18. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Hi everybody, I just have a little question. Do you know why the Max power of 2x V3 Mono is really similar that 1x BT20A pro with a 48V PSU ? BT20A Pro V3 Mono I'm asking myself if the upgrade is really valuable.. I have 83db pair of speaker and they need a lot of power ! Thanks
  19. K

    Fosi Audio BT20A Pro Amplifier Review

    Hi, I'm planning to buy the BT20A to use it with bluetooth.. what do you mean by "unusable" ? Someone got an opinion ? Thanks
  20. K

    Fosi Audio V3 Mono Amplifier Review

    Pwahahahha best answer. Can't wait my dual monos
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