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  1. S

    Incredibly bad ALC1220-VB Headphone out Noise and Distortion or Need to cut the front panel ground polygon.
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    Measurements: "ESS Hump" revisited (Khadas Tone Board V1.3)

    ferrite has a high level of distortion depending on the signal current This may be a coreless inductance, but its high quality factor will have to be compensated by a 10-100 ohm parallel resistor. Thus, the resistor is still needed, and the inductance is superfluous. About filtering, ( or why...
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    Measurements: "ESS Hump" revisited (Khadas Tone Board V1.3)

    partially. IRL - for DACs with not very symmetrical outputs, like PCM179x, this capacitance strongly balances them and reduces THD by 2-3 times (but some DAC demonstrate no effect, where we loading current output to ground by resistor or capacitor for filtering/damping but some DAC have strong...
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    Measurements: "ESS Hump" revisited (Khadas Tone Board V1.3)

    just one cut for resistor in series with cap :) By the way, all of us read "AN -xxx i/v for photodiode", where it says that need to expand the bandwidth. The DAC is not a photodiode, need to filter just outside the audio band, i.e. combine the functions of i/v and LPF
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    Hifi Forum TDA-1541A DAC Review

    Marantz has a noise shaping (raising the noise floor after 20 kHz), which is progressive for the 90s. But the bad digital filter. (SM5841 has the stopband is about 50 dB.) No one has deglitcher (low level wideband distortion on a graph). it really indicates that the DAC is a simple IC, and...
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    Hifi Forum TDA-1541A DAC Review

    opened the pic, looked at the throuhole DEM capacitor, closed the pic. Nice example of "audiophile" - big box & colored parts And SAA7220 as a digital filter stub Xilinx Spartan 3 xc3s200 as custom DF with noise shaping, dithering and spdif receiver. yep, you're definitely right, its "alibaba...
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    Hifi Forum TDA-1541A DAC Review

    for example, some dude from Toronto make this. Looking like 100% "disaster mod":cool: PS. Its not me, to high engineering level
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    Hifi Forum TDA-1541A DAC Review

    Older DAC require modern techniques to good result. It`s skills and abilities like upper DIY/semipro. - Custom FPGA based digital filter, or interface TDA/PCM5(6)x to something like SM5813/../5847 with Deglitcher control - lownoise power, like modern LDO from AD(LT) or Ti - deglitcher circuit...
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    PPS. In 2020, "studios of one game" Croteam has create Serious SAM 4. The last game, which use object based audio. XAUDIO2 or ... OpenAl for Creative card. Check out this differences.
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    what headphones do you use? This is the main question scientific approach. Using several algorithms, we create a video with spatial sound, for example, as this. The owners of the different headphones describe the perceived directions. The statistically average headphone model is determined. We...
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    For me, just good work only CMSS3D of X-Fi. lost technologies of the forgotten era( not an interface (i.e. DAC). Headphones are the first problem. It depends 90% on them where the virtual sound source will be positioned. P.S. Listen to binaural recordings. There is already a direction...
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    It is impossible to determine the direction to a source of frequency less than 100Hz. Therefore, it is very strange that a personalized profile is so willing on bass boost. @kyle_neuron has created a great video for testing audio positioning. sources move in the same plane (at ear height) back...
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    it is better to take a headset from Creative with superXfi. If you like it, you will like it. If not, even with headphones from Creative itself, there is no one to blame. No amplifier, no card, no headphones, no wires.
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    Yes, but no one knows which one. Harman`s curve is about "natural sound", not "spatial sound" This demo sounds like a simple bass boost. As far as I understand, it does not use sound objects with their coordinates, like X-Fi (in the era of Windows XP and direct sound), but only directions to...
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    not driver. This is frequency response "in ears" from white noise source (flat response) with this position (direction and altitude). Headphone with subjective response, like this, always will move virtual sources back, even if the sound source is in front. For proper HRTF need very flat...
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    Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound processing in Headphones

    any subjectively even headphones, because HRTF is just a set of equalizers and delays. If the headphones are curved, then they by themselves will incorrectly position the sound source. Picture taken from here...
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