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  1. J

    KRK Classic 5 Review (Studio Monitor)

    Great, that you have checked the above 30 kHz behavior. Thanks.
  2. J

    JBL 306P MK II Review (Studio Monitor)

    Above 30 kHz measurement? Hi Amir. I appreciate all your work and measurements. Have you dropped your new introduced above 30 kHz measurement? Would be great to see it. Thanks.
  3. J

    Canton Plus GXL.3 Review (speaker)

    Ah! Great to see a 40 kHz bandwidth measurement to check out any possible „hard“ bandwidth limitations. Thank you very much.
  4. J

    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    Thanks Amir for getting back on this. So from now on, you will add this “higher bandwidth” test in your THD test, in order to determine, if a speaker has internal a 48k DSP for active crossover. Great. I appreciate this a lot, as I appreciate that John Aktinson (Stereophile) is doing this higher...
  5. J

    Adam T5V Review (Studio Monitor)

    Hi Amir. Is there any know information, if the Klippel system limits the measurement bandwidth to about 22 kHz or if all the last tested (inexpensive) active Monitors do have internal ADC with 48k Sample Rate running. Would be great to know. Thanks.
  6. J

    Kali LP-6 Review: Studio Monitor

    Hi Amir. Thank you very much in extending / opening your measurements up to 30 kHz. Lets us see / hope, that the limitation we see here, is not due to the Klippel system. And as always. Great work. Thanks. Juergen Thank you very much in extending / opening your measurements up to 30 kHz. Lets...
  7. J

    JBL 308P MKII Studio Monitor Review

    Hi “CTRL” Thanks for noting. I was in hurry to send this speakers back, so it looks like I missed the right coma position, it would be 90 uS. And it would have been better, not to 1/12 oct smooth, when showing this response. I have the phase and group delay measurement, but am on my way right...
  8. J

    JBL 308P MKII Studio Monitor Review

    Hi Amir Great to hear. I totally agree, the high bandwidth is absolutely not necessary for the Spinorama data, in my opinion even not for the THD measurements, but just a „check“ if this active speaker does have internally a 48k or 44k1 digital „bottle neck.“ The natural low pass behavior of...
  9. J

    JBL 308P MKII Studio Monitor Review

    I am well aware how to measure the passband and stop-band behavior of anti alias filter, as I am doing this on my daily work basis and have developed some methods for it, And I am also aware of the different effect and audibility of different type of antialias filter, when mixing and mastering...
  10. J

    JBL 308P MKII Studio Monitor Review

    I also do not hear any frequency above 20 kHz (as fundamental frequencies), but I personally do hear group delay / phase shifts of the overtone in relation to the fundamental in that area. But the reason why I wrote here was not to judge that tones above 20 kHz are audible or not, my reason was...
  11. J

    JBL 308P MKII Studio Monitor Review

    Dear Amir I bought this speaker for our guestroom as a planed update to the 16 years old M-Audio BX-5. After I installed it I noticed, that there sound something „wrong“ with the treble area. So I measured this speaker (with 1 Meter distance with a calibrated Earthworks M30 with 96 kHz Sample...
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