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  1. H

    Remote codes for Topping?

    Quick update: It came together quickly and I have been using it for 2 days now. Overall very happy with the result. Removing the programmer board and adding a little modular microUSB board for power makes it lower profile. Next step will be 3D printing an enclosure. I had to play with the...
  2. H

    Remote codes for Topping?

    Ok, that was easier than I thought. I used the IRremoteESP8266 library. You can download it directly within the Arduino IDE via Tools > Manage libraries. Within the Fire TV settings, I added a "Receiver" under equipment, selected Sony, then yes "Yes" to both questions (does it power on/off...
  3. H

    Remote codes for Topping?

    Some additional info to share, I used an ESP8266-based IR module from SparkFun to dump all of the NEC codes from the Topping RC-15A remote: This is the module I bought: It also needs an FTDI programmer board if you want to use it with the Arduine IDE over...
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