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  1. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    I understand, thank you very much! We are very lucky with this forum...
  2. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    Thank you for the answer.
  3. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    Good comparison with RMI ADI 2, I really wanted to buy an RME ADI 2 for DAC and parametric EQ, but now it also has Eversolo parametric EQ and the DAC sounds the same, I'm calm.... Was the RME with AKM or SABRE?
  4. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    Good PEQ settings, they also fit me on Davis N5, only at 1KHz I dropped 1.5dB below 0. I also use solid silver XLR at 0.5m, on a single wire I don't like how it sounds. I also adjusted with REW, microphone at 3m distance, but it screams too loud....a minidsp with live dirac would be good! But it...
  5. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    I never go more or less than 5dB on PEQ, otherwise the speakers must be replaced with much better ones. Lower the general volume level by 5dB, on XLR there are 4V RMS.
  6. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    1.2.37 is installed automatically after you manually install 1.2.36. Many thanks from me for Parametric EQ, great job!!!
  7. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    I'm laughing to myself how well the last update 1.2.37 with parametric EQ sounds on the Master!!!! Fantastic last update!!!! Finally, I'm happy with the speakers I have!
  8. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    The parametric EQ is great, now I can correct the non-linearity of the speakers!!! I had added a ribbon and it screamed too loud (I don't put non-inductive equalization resistors in series, it distorts the sound).
  9. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    I understand, thank you very much. La revedere!
  10. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    Done, with the latest update V 1.2.30, it bypasses the Android system on Apple music, 24/192 on the coaxial output read with a DAC Topping DX7PRO. When I put a DAC on the coaxial output, before the update I had 16/44.1 all the time regardless of the album. Now it is OK. Sorry, but I put the...
  11. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    De ce nu iese 24/192 pe ieșirea coaxială când sunt pe muzică Apple. Ce setari ar trebui facute?
  12. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    The post has been deleted! I was wondering if it is confirmed that Eversolo bypasses the Android software by listening to Apple music, connecting a DAC to the coaxial output of Eversolo. Eversolo 24/192 display vs DAC 24/192 display? True, I made many corrections with edit because I use Google...
  13. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    I'm sorry but I expressed myself wrong, the question should have been if it bypasses the Android operating system?
  14. M

    Eversolo DMP-A6 Streamer Review

    Buna ziua, vreau sa cumpar un Eversolo 6 zilele astea cand ajunge pe stoc, recunosc ca nu am citit tot aici si am o intrebare, ascult muzica Apple si vreau sa stiu daca ocoleste sistemul de operare Android ? Pot selecta 24/192 din software-ul Eversolo?
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