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  1. A

    Linkwitz LX521.4 - new build and impressions

    The baffle isn't really affecting a driver at those wavelengths. Mr. Linkwitz worked with Seas to design that driver (which is quite efficient and has a generous xmax and a huge mechanical limit beyond xmax) and I'm quite confident that if that driver weren't the perfect solution for him, he...
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    Spirits, what you drinking...

    Well - Maggie's farm is based in Pittsburgh, and distillery direct is the only place you can get a lot of their products. Queen's share is a limited release and they aren't likely to have any. If you go though, they have tastings. Certainly check out the hidden harbor rum (which is available...
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    Spirits, what you drinking...

    Their entire line is incredible. Their Queen's share special releases, (especially the white, whenever they make it) are a thing to behold. The hidden harbor rum that they craft specifically for mixing drinks is also outrageously fit for purpose. ...Also the bar the ostensibly made that rum...
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    How is fs measured?

    It doesn't (by default at least) measure at different voltage levels. It measures at "small" signal levels. I'd have to read the manual to see if it can alter voltage levels (I suspect it doesn't) and what voltage level it measures at. Woofer break in is real*, and it happens very quickly -...
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    How is fs measured?

    There's DIY rigs you can build, but the shortest path to Fs is to buy a DATS from Parts Express. If you want to know the Fs of the woofer itself, you'll have to pull it out of the box and (ideally) disconnect it from the XO. IF you want to know the whole system, you can see the tuning of a...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    I'm glad you are happy with the sub. Hope you get many years of enjoyment from it.
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    Thanks for measuring. Looks like there's some peaking there, and being that far away from the woofer, I have a really tough time telling if it's room or driver. I don't really think this is a valid nearfield, and it's certainly not a valid far field - so it's not a terribly useful measurement...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    120hz isn't a brick wall, you are probably rolling off either 2nd or 4th order, so at 240hz, you'll only be down around 12 or 24db. That isn't THAT far down. Also you have to think about harmonics. Your driver, and the barrel, and the port, can all be excited by a fundamental tone and output...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    That's why I suggested the nearfield measurement of the driver, walls, and ports. You'll only have resolution to a couple hundred Hz, but that's fine. Here's a link to Jeff's white paper that describes the reasoning and process in detail. white paper on quasi-anechoic measurements. In all...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    For a sub, i'd normally run a nearfield of the woofer and splice it with a nearfield of the ports. Jeff Bagby wrote a white paper on the process that's a great read. If you have access to a parking lot or similarly large space, a groundplane or other far field measurement would be very...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    Well, cool! Glad you are happy with it and to have more DIY'ers around. Measurements?
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    4mm plastic is really thin. I brace the heck out of 19mm plywood. You will need a network of braces on the round sides too. Think spokes of a wagon wheel, parallel to the top and bottom, spaced every 6" horizontally and vertically. Please consider the standard for high quality diy subs...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    Yep, exactly. I use 1" dowel rods. Window braces aren't really better.
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    In my experience, that isn't going to solve this issue unless you use something like constrained layer dampening. What's needed in this situation is pure mechanical stiffness to raise the vibration frequencies of the sidewalls above the region of concern and to reduce the amplitude to something...
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    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    I'd reconsider that tuning (probably tuning higher). I don't have time to run the numbers, but I'd try to adjust the roll off so it's smooth without the big peak at the tuning frequency. You would typically want an uneventful roll off with no peaks - the sim should look more or less like a...
  17. A

    200L Barrel Subwoofer

    It's been touched upon a few times, but the barrel itself is going to be a significant source of distortion. Rap on it with your knuckles or a stick. Does it sound like a drum? Probably. That will all be excited by the subwoofer unless heavily braced. When you knock on the enclosure, it...
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    Linkwitz LX521.4 - new build and impressions

    It all depends on how much fussing with the filters and measurements you are willing to do. There is more than the t/s parameters and physical fit to make this work. You will have to alter the filters to achieve the correct on axis freqency response and it would also be highly beneficial to...
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    Linkwitz LX521.4 - new build and impressions

    In my experience, they move quite a bit. Many mm. I'd be afraid to use a driver less robust than SL specified. More efficient may be a problem, but will certainly require a filter modification. You will also want to make sure the frequency response matches. Running drivers with no...
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    Noob DIY crossover question Inductor values

    I wouldn't go that far. If it is in series with a woofer, sure - the lower the better. I'll often use laminate core inductors in that location. If it is in series with the mid, it can affect the padding to a certain extent, although there's probably also a resistor in series and perhaps in...
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