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  1. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    I use lower volumes now (my listening volume is lower than the average person I think, base on readings on the internet, but not 100% sure of course, maybe they have worse AMP than mine or some other factors). Maybe it's my honeymoon period or being conditioned by what I see on the internet to...
  2. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    I think because of my honeymoon period with the headphone I am just listening to volume higher than my usual that is causing the piercing....the % amount of volume differs for this and the IE600..maybe due to the Ohms..and also since I am using EQ. This makes it a bit more complicated since idk...
  3. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Yeah I am not 100% sure too If I have really found it...but it seems like band 5..I will try with lower amount or other band like band 9. The same voice is sometime piercing sometimes not...maybe because it's a 2 second voice (it's a male voice) and my ears get used to it after playing it many...
  4. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Yes I am sure I have the EQ on (there is green button too)...and yes the volume difference is obvious. I will play with it, hopefully it can reduce the piercings. I don't wanna part with the headphone if possible. After more testings some of the sounds is good tbh. And I don't want to go thru...
  5. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Just got it today...testing it a lot so I did not write. First of all, for the comfort part it is good. Audio idk I guess it is good but one problem...some sounds can be piercing for my ears :(...damn I kinda hate that piercing stuff...and this is with using Oratory EQs.. I am testing 3 EQs...
  6. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    A brief testing seems to be that APO does work with direct mode. At least the preamp works as I can hear a volume difference with it on and off on top of direct mode. But creative software does not allow EQ with direct mode (on the creative software itself). @Robbo99999 Ok when gaming (diablo...
  7. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Yeah I do wear glasses. Soundblaster command software have 2 things is equalizer...other is the gimmick stuff you mention, called SBX (bass boost...virtual surrond ,crystalizer etc). So even soundblaster allows you to EQ even when SBX on at the same time. Since sound blaster...
  8. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Hey thanks for the input! Just googled what consistent frequency response and placement on the head means...I get the basic idea from Rtings website. Glad to hear it's good in that area too! I just realized this is also somewhat important for me as well, after knowing what it means (roughly)...
  9. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Comfort and breathability is my main concern tbh...I heard some people says they don't feel like they are wearing a headphones when using HD800S. Well maybe that is a bit too extreme not feeling it at all hahaha, or maybe just metaphorically...but it does mean many find it comfortable. The...
  10. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    @Chagall Hey thanks for the compliments Chagall. To be honest I should not have gotten the IE600... sometimes it hurts my ear with it (in other words not comfortable) ,even tho it's regarded as a very comfy IEM by many (I remove and put it back quite often, as I often go AFK).... and I got ear...
  11. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Wow thanks for the long write-up. I try many times to understand how to do it with normal APO without peace, still can't do it. It's so complex, peace make it simpler. I tried the EQ with sennheiser IE600 and listen to In da club. it seems to make it sound better. Just without EQ I use 20%...
  12. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    I am really new to eq and headphones stuff. Ok Maybe I get it a little more now. But of course I don't fully understand it yet as I am new. Ah, I see harman's in your dropbox picture is different than the one in "AutoEQ" from peace equalizer APO. In the auto EQ, It says HD 800 S oratory1990...
  13. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Thanks StaticV3. Also .."proper" ? ^^ .. does this mean in your opinion Amir's one is not proper? haha...I guess with EQing you need to play around huh...hmm. so maybe even need -11.7 huh. I read somewhere something like more than 5 is already high (in soundguys review) Jimbob54 Ok now I got...
  14. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Thanks for the input. However...Hmm...My question is simple. In the first page , if I want to follow amir's EQ 100% the same, does he use -6db preamp or not? (along with the 5 bands). Cause it's not clear to me if he use -6db in his EQ or not. Sorry if the question is kind of dumb or if it's...
  15. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Edited my post...Yes there it is in the settings and I found it. Ok got it, disable other bands. But what about preamp? it's -6dB preamp? If I want to follow Amir's EQ on the first page?
  16. R

    Sennheiser HD800S Review (Headphone)

    Sorry I am almost a total noob. Just ordered HD 800S today after like a week of researching headphones. As it seems it's comfortable and have good breathability (some of the reason I chose it) As I have said I am new to eq.. so Amir's eq is -6DB for Preamp? And then only uses 5 band? I am using...
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