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    Compact amp with volume control for desktop setup

    If you're able of putting together modules + ps + case + volpol, or if you have some DIYer as a friend, or if you find somewhere an already complete version of it, I can recommend an amp based on the power opamp LM1875. - For 500 $ you can get about ten of them. I've soldered two of them, one...
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    Lossless radio?

    Thanks a lot for your recommendation of 'SomehowJazz' - I've been listening to it for a few days, and it's the first Internetradio Station I like, music-selectionwise and sound-qualitywise! The latter might have to do with that they - preparing it for emission - apparently, treat every single...
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    Do I really need a DAC

    Apart from probably not hearing the difference, at least if it's done blinded: the durabilty of a solid manufactured dac is supposed to be a lot better than the longevity of a dongle, a typical throw-away item which might, into the bargain, finally damage the USB-port.
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    What Do You Do To Clean The Most Important Part Of An Audio System

    When your ears produce a lot of ear wax - which seems to be often the case when getting older - and don't get rid of it by themselves, or by just letting run water into them under the shower, this one can prevent you successfully from visiting an otologist (who usually does abou the same)...
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    Sennheiser HD600 Review (Headphone)

    The HD600 are relatively 'forgiving', compared e.g. to the K702s, which are an absolute no-go for low quality recordings. But, as Jimbob recommended, you must try it out for yourself - it's your ears, and we hear differently, and our tastes differ. Consider the relatively narrow soundstage of...
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    Low frequency

    source: wikipedia A lowpass filter makes the lows pass and blocks the highs. The numbers on your display mean the -3db point of the lowpass-filter: that is where (the rest of) the signal is (already) lowered by 3db. The steepness of the curve is determined by the 'order' of the...
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    Sennheiser HD600 Review (Headphone)

    If longevity and servicability is important for you - for me it is - Lake People is a good choice: good and solid throught-hole components, a good Alps potentiometer, socketed opamps, a solid enclosure... Such a device can last for many years, as opposed to all that throw-away stuff. I don't...
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    Power Amp Development Over The Years Copyright © August 2021, Rod Elliott

    An article of Rod Ellott's on his great ESP treasure-trove that may be of interest for some ASR-readers. Content Introduction 1.0 Williamson/ Mullard (Valve) 2.0 Early Transistor Designs 3.0 Mullard 10-10 4.0 El-Cheapo 5.0 RCA High-Quality 10W 6.0 Armstrong...
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    What is this new forum layout? Test.

    Well done - it was high time to throw off the 'likes' which induce detrimental socio-psychological dynamics which counter the rationalist aim of ASR.
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    Is Flat Bass or Harman Bass Better for Mixing on Headphones? (Professional Mixing Engineers Only)

    Spacial distortion [1] is the result, if you listen on headphones to recordings that are mixed on speakers. The mixing engineer does not only hear the sound of the right speaker with the right ear, but also with the left ear, and he does not only hear the sound of the left speaker with the...
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    Suggestions on room treatment

    I'd take into consideration that your left ear might be slightly better than the right one - changing the balance settings can cure it, in that case.
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    Do inexpensive amplifiers age badly over years?

    Except of electrolytic capacitors electronic components nearly don't age - and the basic components are cheap, very cheap indeed. (Enclosures, transformers, vol pots are the main cost factors.) Design faults set aside, the quality of the solder joints plays a role, and leaded solder joints are...
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    My New Album Released Today

    Great to lean back and dream away - the brilliance and clarity of the recording alone make it a delight listening to it.
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    AKG K702 ($210AU) vs AKG K712 ($360AU) worth the difference when I use a parametric EQ to match the frequency response anyway?

    "Our Verdict AKG K712 PRO AKG K702 The AKG K712 PRO and the AKG K702 are almost identical save for a few differences in design and frequency response. The K702 get a bit more bass but also sound brighter - unfortunately, to the point of sounding a bit sharp. The K712 will sound less harsh to...
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    AKG K702 ($210AU) vs AKG K712 ($360AU) worth the difference when I use a parametric EQ to match the frequency response anyway?

    Replacement pads of the K712 are also more expensive than the ones for the K702 (note: the price is for one pad):
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    Headband for PhilipsFidelio X2

    Having had some kafkaesk experiences with Philips' customer service (for headphones), I'd say: forget it. I'd remove the rubber headband completely. (I zipped it on my X2HR to the metal strings above it, because I don't like the pressure on my head.)
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    Anyone ever tried making tone control from a kit ? which one is good ?

    You have to distinguish the (fine-adjustment of the ) parametric eq from the much simpler (in construction and use) Baxandall-type tone controls, which - invented by Peter Baxandall in the beginning of the 1950s - became, as one of the most successful inventions in audio, wide(st) spread in...
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    Does a dented dust cap matter?

    AFAIK, in some youtube-video somebody recommended in such a case not to touch anything but putting your open mouth over the tweeter dome and sucking the air in - by the underpressure the dome would come out...
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    Besides EQ/DSP, what are some other ways that can significantly change sound quality?

    You may try a nearfield-arrangement - the room's impact is minimized (and your head would be away from the wall). It combines the best out of two worlds: the clarity of good headphones with the consistent imaging/soundstage of speakers. But as with good headphones: bad recordings sound bad -...
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    EQ for head phones

    Rtings praises its bass response: "The bass is excellent. The LFE (low-frequency extension) is at 10Hz, and low-bass is within 1dB of our neutral target. This means that the Focal Elegia have deep and extended bass with just the right amount of thump and rumble, making them suitable for...
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