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    SMSL DL100 DAC and Headphone Amp Review

    This DAC also has RCA outputs, also with excellent fidelity as measured by Amir
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    LYNEPAUDIO B049 Audio Switcher Review

    Could it be a power supply issue ? I suppose Amir re-checked that... And this little thing probably is not smart enough to require a USB-PD-enabled power supply able to provide more than the usual +5 V (USB-PD can now reach up to 48 V !)
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    Poll: Audio Science Review in the World (2024)

    View from my office near Grenoble, France just a few seconds ago.
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    Piano concerto recordings better than live performances ?

    Hi All, A few weeks ago I attended a classical concert performed by a good orchestra (hr-Sinfonieorchester Frankfurt) and a talented young pianist, Jan Lisiecki. He played with ardour a full-size Steinway piano with its cover appropriately opened. I was at the eighth row from the scene, a bit...
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    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    If there is no way to make 2 systems sound the same (or very similar), especially headphones that do not depend on room or seating position, then do you deny the whole concept of fidelity ?
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    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    Would a multitone test with each frequency weighted to typical real music levels provide a better metric for distortion evaluation ? Maybe multiple weighting profiles could be used to provide different THD figures for rap (bass heavy), vocal or classical music.
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    Exposing internal i2s signals

    Thank you so much to all for your kind support ! I intend to try first on an old AVR to experiment all I can do with that. My first objective is to get an analog constant line-level 'rec out' signal for whatever input I listen to. The AVR currently does not output anything when I use online...
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    Exposing internal i2s signals

    Hi All, After channel decoding AVRs'internal DSPs send i2s signals to multiple discrete DACs that eventually drive the power amplifiers and/or pre-outs. Has anybody ever tried to extract these signals and feed them to external stand-alone DACs then to signal processors, additional...
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    Do we crave distortion?

    Violin/viola/cello players all play 'harmonics'. That's the way they manage to play tones much higher than what is feasible by pressing the strings normally. The trick is to press a finger only very lightly on a string. I do not really now the theory but I suspect that this filters out most of...
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    I measured 10 subwoofers.

    I am not thinking, I'm just reading the results. These non linearities are perfectly explicit in the tables : Consider a signal made of two tones of equal amplitude at 40 and 50 Hz. With 0.2V at the input of the B&W sub you get almost the same amplification at the 2 frequencies (0.5dB...
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    I measured 10 subwoofers.

    Hello All, Looking at the tables I started to wonder if there are curves or figures that report the non-linear distortions of the spl vs input voltage response. If you look at the 50 hz column of results (where most devices perform best) , we usually observe that 1 dB change in the input...
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    I measured 10 subwoofers.

    Not so sure about it, but if you tell your avr/avp that you have no sub it will probably route the sub signal to the main speakers. Then connect the main speakers' pre-out to the subwoofers. One takes left, the other right. That only workks with dsp speakers that can manage the crossover...
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    Sabaj A20d 2023 DAC & HP Amp Review

    To work around this problem, one can also use a 'master / slave' power strip. These things monitor the power consumption on the master's socket and power the slave sockets only if the master is working. The slaves do not work more than the master, so I think there is no issue with ethics and...
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    Eye candy to go along with ear candy : music !
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    Sorry to ask again, but how does that compare to the voltage SINAD when the amp is connected to a real speaker rather than a power resistor ? I can not imagine that a small measurement device with its much higher input impedance can modify the results more than the power hungry speakers. But it...
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    Manual FAQ extract : 'Q2: When choose certain functions via remote cotrol, the backlight of VU meter will also flash? A: This is original design and normal.'
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    Just had a look at the user manual. The 100 W limit really is a power limitation : '1. It is better not to connect VU3 to amplifiers whose actual output power is greater than 100W, or else VU meter may be damaged. 100W refers to the actual power output from amplifier to the speaker. For...
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    The 'peak' led might just be the electronics over voltage warning.
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    The power limit may also be a consequence of the max voltage the vu driver electronics can take. There certainly is an attenuator at the input to make the signal < 5V as I'd be surprised if the board used a voltage up-converter for its power supply, but I may be wrong.
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    Douk VU3 VU Meter Review (Updated Version)

    Deaf people do not die of lack of music although I'm very sorry for them. That said, I'm almost certain that 90+ % of the readers of this forum feel that music is an absolute necessity in their lives. What I meant is that the value we give to things not necessary to sustain life is very much...
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