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  1. L

    NAD C658 Streaming DAC Review

    I'm no expert, but my guess is that Dirac is Dirac, within whatever limits are imposed by the hardware. That is, the algorithm(s) that Dirac uses are the same. What I don't know if whether the functionality is limited by the hardware processor in particular units, but it would be surprising if...
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    NAD C658 Streaming DAC Review

    Same here: I had mine for a couple of years, sold it to a good friend who has been using it with no issues ever since. The only reason for change was substituting a specialized processor that duplicated most of the 658 functions; otherwise I would still have it.
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    Bluesound Node Review (Streamer)

    I'm glad that you mentioned that! I've had occasionally pauses, too. When I experienced a few some time ago, I switched the Node from a WiFi connection to wired and the problem seemed to go away. I had a couple of pauses over the past week, though, which -- in the absence of any better idea -- I...
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    Bluesound Node Review (Streamer)

    That's odd, seems pretty good on my Node. (Although what counts as "pretty good" versus "glitchy" is subjective: given the current state of a lot of personal computing technology, I tend to excuse a lot of minor issues if something works at all.) But a confusing issue is that there are...
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    Qobuz - How to report defective/deficient tracks?

    In regard to albums with missing tracks: at least for some classical music labels, it appears that they release "sampler" or "mini" versions of the albums that might contain only one or a few tracks. I suspect (but cannot prove) that these releases are for promotional purposes. The good news is...
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    Bluesound Node Review (Streamer)

    As others have noted, regardless of the performance of the internal DAC, digital output is essentially perfect. I believe that the jitter measurement in the original review is again with the internal DAC, although the way that the review is unclear on this point. In any case, jitter better than...
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    Qobuz - How to report defective/deficient tracks?

    Hello Pierre, how wonderful to see someone from Qobuz actively engaging with current and potential customers through this forum! BTW, I'm in the first group: current customer. In reply to the OP, only once, a year or more ago, have I run across a defective tracks in Qobuz, in this particular...
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    FS: Waveform Mach Solo speakers

    Sending you a PM (in "Conversations).
  9. L

    FS: Waveform Mach Solo speakers

    Yes, they are available. Are you in the Central Ohio area?
  10. L

    Extreme Snake Oil

    I can't see how this is possible. After all, there are fewer than 10,000 craft breweries in the US, and even if they average over 10 beers each, that's fewer than 100,000 taps. Besides, the bar would have to be incredibly long. So a million taps? Nope, can't see it. What..? Not those kinds of...
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    Streamer with USB output options (Qobuz only)

    As to the clocking, that's my understanding as well. Can't speak to the audibility of this with any DAC other than my own. The benefit of using a Node is that it's not just almost plug and play, it *is* plug and play. It's also feature rich and has native support (using the BluOS) for just...
  12. L

    Why audio equipment affects music genre preference?

    To me, it does seem possible that your audio equipment would *help* to move you toward another genre, specifically classical. With some forms of music, you might be able to hear the main components with a minimalist system. But with most classical, having a better system might reveal what's...
  13. L

    The Potential Health Benefits of Spatial Audio

    As usual, the breathless excitement of the article (the one linked by the OP) gets rather far out in front of the careful conclusions of the study cited in the article. BTW, the study is careful to point out the need for careful music selection, etc. I can't imagine the result of someone...
  14. L

    Streamer with USB output options (Qobuz only)

    I'm using a Node with USB output. No issues. I have no way to measure the output, but certainly detect no audible difference from coax, which I've also used. Really, it's a digital out that in essence is passing an unaltered digital stream, so no reason to expect anything unusual. The signal is...
  15. L

    Best way to stay in the BluOS ecosystem for a new setup

    As you say, the newer Node has a better DAC. So the question is not whether it is state of the art, but whether it is audibly equivalent to anything else you are likely to find. My own guess, at least for my own hearing (YMMV), is that any possible perceptible, audible differences between the...
  16. L

    To what extent is this a ‘hobby’?

    Another consideration: the psychology surrounding choices. See Barry Schwartz "The Paradox of Choice", in particular the difference between those satisfied with "good enough" and those who constantly re-evaluate seeking "optimal" choices. And this is likely more of a spectrum, so some of us are...
  17. L

    General home streaming recommendations 2023

    As usual with these kinds of decisions, a lot depends on the relative value to you of convenience and simplicity. The Node (disclaimer: that's what I use) is drop-dead simple, a long history of ongoing support/updates, and is completely stable (at least in my experience); also, as you noted, it...
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    ASR members' take on HiFi spending

    Fun poll, and I doubt that the OP meant anyone to take it too seriously. But it bears noting that the categories (answers) are not mutually exclusive. For example, many of us are no longer poor college students (choice 4), buy what we want if we see value (choice 2), and still can be frugal and...
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    Long cables: interconnect vs speaker (plus cable cosmetics)

    Oh, good idea on the channels and thanks for the link. Sadly, moving wires inside walls, above ceiling or below floor is a non-starter in my situation.
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    Long cables: interconnect vs speaker (plus cable cosmetics)

    Thanks for all the replies! The summary is largely what I expected, but I greatly appreciate those more knowledgeable than I chiming in. Speaking of summaries, here's what I took away from the replies: Yes, in theory, there might be a (very) small improvement; all else being equal, balanced...
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