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    Audio GD - bad rap in the past -new breed !!

    Kinda pointless to jump into the fray so late, but I like to make a few subjective comments here. I value ARS, I also value the evolutionary nature of HIFI. To me Audio-gd is a grown-up DIY hobbyist business. The proprietor doesn't make any secrets about it. Plenty of components in the box? Sure...
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    Hidizs S9 Review (Headphone Adapter)

    I happen to like fly fishing and that comment made me smile. Your next comments are condescending and make me tune out. What makes you think that I haven't watched the measurement videos? Are you the only person understanding the subject matter? Have you studied acoustical engineering and...
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    Hidizs S9 Review (Headphone Adapter)

    Nope. Sorry. You can have great measuring gear with a completely flat soundstage or no imaging. SINAD will not tell you anything about certain important audio properties. How does one measure soundstage levels or imaging capabilities of audio gear? Do we use SINAD for that? Has nothing to do...
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    Hidizs S9 Review (Headphone Adapter)

    I don't disagree. Perception is in important factor in deciding if a piece of gear is the right choice and ready to be consumed. I have an appreciation of the measuring work being done here. But in the end, accurate measurement reports are one (just one) criteria when selecting gear. The other...
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    Hidizs S9 Review (Headphone Adapter)

    My point was also: what measures great doesn't necessarily sound great.
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    Hidizs S9 Review (Headphone Adapter)

    It should be able drive the 32 Ohm Grado's without a problem. But yes, the Mojo has more "authority".
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    Hidizs S9 Review (Headphone Adapter)

    Measures great, sounds like ....meh...I bought the S9 and connected it to a 2018 MacBook Pro. Compared it to Chord Mojo, Burson C3R, and DragonFly Red. Sound is flat and lifeless. Headphones used for testing: Grado GS1000e and HD800s. Ears used for testing: 64 yrs old. Maybe that's the problem.
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    Why do people like/use Roon?

    Why Roon, why Sonos, why Tidal, Qobuz, or any of these? Each one is a walled garden in a different flavor. I don't mind spending money to support developers of open software. But I absolutely do mind supporting MQA. To me the audio hobby has a been life-long journey (still spinning records now...
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