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  1. K

    AIYIMA A08 Pro Amplifier Review

    I have an A07 amplifier. Question - does it make sense to buy an A08 Pro? I'm not interested in looks or power, just sound quality. After all, they are both on the same chip and, apparently, should sound the same. Who listened and compared both, please tell me whether it is worth buying the same...
  2. K

    AIYIMA A07 TPA3255 Review (Amplifier)

    There is a separate topic for power supplies for this amplifier. In any case, I have not met a single person who had spare ears in the refrigerator when the main ones were damaged by loud noise. Even 30-50 real (not Chinese) watts is very loud even in a large room.
  3. K

    SMSL SU-1 Stereo DAC Review

    Maybe the question is stupid, but still. I have an FX Audio DAC-X6 DAC. I saw a review of it on this forum. The measurement characteristics are poor. But I’ve had it for 6-7 years now and the sound suits me. Will the SMSL SU-1 be better than it, how much better and will I hear the difference...
  4. K

    AIYIMA A07 TPA3255 Review (Amplifier)

    Я не владею английским языком, прошу прощения, если перевод плохой. Прочитал все страницы темы и в шоке. Тема про усилитель, а вы 90% времени тратите на обсуждение блока питания для него. Также необходимо переименовать тему «Электропитание». Из коробки подключил к нему блок питания от ноутбука...
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