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  1. R

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Does anyone have the power-measurements for single ended operation, they seem to be missing on the graphs....?
  2. R

    Amp for Susvara?

    Haven't seen any measurements of the FCN-10 nor owned one so I can't comment on it....seems absurdly powerful specwise though haha
  3. R

    Amp for Susvara?

    I'd say this depends on what you can still get for the Matrix, if you can sell it for a small enough loss then selling it and getting a D90SE is probably the way to go. If the loss is too big (say if you bought it for €/$ 1k and sold it for €/$ 600) then I'd suggest keeping it. By itself the...
  4. R

    Amp for Susvara?

    I'd recommend the A90, the Gustard won't be able to push it to its limits and the Singxer is load dependent and (at least the one I had for a few days) probably alter the sound because of this. I'll maybe get scoldered for saying this but I tested this myself with my own pair of 400i's. I did...
  5. R

    Suggestions for loud, clear and neutral headphones

    Sure even headphones meeting my wishes will sound better with additional eq, but the goal is to find a pair that sounds very pleasing and hard hitting (not bloated like the Sony 1A's nor light like the 400i's) without eq.
  6. R

    Suggestions for loud, clear and neutral headphones

    Those actually are way too bass heavy....a more capable X2 or better yet a 400i with more (sub)bass would be perfect
  7. R

    Suggestions for loud, clear and neutral headphones

    Haha thanks for the input, I know I listen to music way too loud and probably should stop that for my own good but I just can't ;) I know the recommended list but there is no sort by soundpressure filter or anything like that. I already own a Topping A30 pro and used to own a Gustad H16 aswell...
  8. R

    What headphones would you like Amir to measure next?

    I'd like to see measurements of the Beyerdynamic DT 770 pro 250ohm version
  9. R

    Suggestions for loud, clear and neutral headphones

    I'd be happy if the headphone hits the target as much as possible but a little eq is ok for me. There is nothing really wrong with the 400i or the X2, but the Hifiman needs quite a lot of equalizing in the bass department and the X2 distorts quite early....a mixture of those two (as loud and...
  10. R

    Suggestions for loud, clear and neutral headphones

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for suggestions for new headphones. I already have: HifiMan HE400i (2016) Sennheiser HD 595 Sony MDR-1A AKG K530 limited edition Philips Fidelio X2 Superlux HD681 Sony MDR-XB700 (garbage) I'm looking for new ones that hit the harman-curve, sound clear (as little...
  11. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Just tested my A30Pro for the "music out of the amp itself" thing with XLR and it also does it. I doubt that there are Units that don't do it, I first thought mine doesn"t but after turning the volume knob to max in high gain (no headphone connected) the music appeared haha. Lower than about 80%...
  12. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Have you tried with RCA? @Sharur Does is also happen when you use the XLR Inputs? I'm fascinated by this, an electronic device that does something unintended that should not even be possible....a circuitry playing music itself, thats really something special haha
  13. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Maybe it's an RCA-thing as usern uses XLR and his unit is quiet....
  14. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Do you use XLR or RCA inputs?
  15. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Thanks for the clarification, why the second A30pro? First one faulty?
  16. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Wow so not even coil-whine....thats interesting. It seems that there are units without coil-whine or the speaker-thing, units with just coil-whine and units with both....wth
  17. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Did you put it in high gain and tried with both inputs (XLR and RCA) or maybe set the volume control very loud.....?
  18. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    The coil-whine, the "internal speaker" or both?
  19. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Really? So you can hear music coming out of the amp itself while no headphone is connected? (Not the coil whine in the video) Cidious said his unit is dead silent (music-wise) so if yours really does play music with its inner parts, there have to be different revisions with different parts...
  20. R

    Topping A30Pro Review (Balanced Headphone Amp)

    Yep, not the coil whine but actual music coming out of the circuitry itself (faint according to the_brunx).
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