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  1. H

    Fosi Audio DS2 Portable DAC & Amp Review

    Now make one with a glass window to see the pretty electronics and I'll buy it :)
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    1 bit DAC launched by TOPPING

    Maybe the subjectivists will finally glaze over a Topping DAC since it's discrete and four figures
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    1 bit DAC launched by TOPPING

    $1k o_O (not surprising since the previous flagship dac was $900)
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    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    You would almost think that's why it's priced so high
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    HIFIMAN Susvara Headphone Review

    How many years before Amir gets his hands on the new flagship Susvara Unveiled and unveils it? haha
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    Feel free to film and document yourself doing a double-blind test.
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    1 bit DAC launched by TOPPING

    Topping blogpost about their Canjam exhibition if anyone is interested:
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    1 bit DAC launched by TOPPING

    Just as you think Topping has done it all they attempt some new crazy thing and will probably succeed at it
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    I just changed to classic VU and auto dim and everything looked fine while dimmed
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    Truthear Nova IEMs

    That's weird. Mine fits really tight. It's a friction fit I believe
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    Truthear Nova IEMs

    Did you use a different cable than the one provided?
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    Topping D50 III Balanced DAC with EQ Review

    And what support do you need for it?
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    In a blind test they'd sound the same
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    Yes I do. You're right, the line-out also becomes a pre-out if you use the all output mode. Dac mode is only for line-out mode I see.
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    Go into Advanced and change DAC mode to DAC
  16. H

    Dan Clark E3 Headphone Review

    I didn't have them side by side so I can't say. Without EQ the E3 is the better headphone for sure, but with EQ the original HD800 is just so good imo. Maybe I'll have to get an E3 home and do a proper comparison.
  17. H

    Dan Clark E3 Headphone Review

    Had a chance to listen to the E3, Stealth and the Expanse today, and wow, the E3 blew me away. Couldn't believe it was a closed-back and it sounded better than the other two in my opinion.
  18. H


    Yea so you should send it back to the retailer you bought it from and have them deal with Topping.
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