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    Lumin D2 vs. BlueSound Node

    I have a BlueSound Node 2i. I upgraded the power supply to linear (PD Creative + Sbooster), which made a big difference (far more than I expected). I also tried an outboard DAC (BorderPatrol SE-i) and could not tell the difference. Has anyone moved up from a BlueSound Node 2i to a Lumin D2, and...
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    Which Integrated Tube Amp - LSA VT-70 or Willsenton R8

    Hi, Everyone. I scored some gently used Omega Super Alnico Monitor speakers and matching powered sub. The speakers are rated 94.5 dB at 8 ohms. I'm trying to decide of I should go with the LSA VT-70 or Willsenton R8 integrated tube amp. Source will be streaming (from BlueSound Node) and a...
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    Omega Alnico + Sub - What Amp???

    I'm looking to have Louis build me a pair of Alnico towers with a matching sub. My listening is Radiohead, Neil Young, Jazz, Steely Dan at moderate levels. I'm trying to get a sense of what amp to get. I'm trying to define my budget and am thinking about one of two options - a) Premium -...
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    Zu Soul Supreme - Best Amp?

    Thanks for your note. I'm new to audio and would appreciate your input. I was looking at the Klipsch Hersey IVs. They are far less and it sounds like they may be a more forgiving speaker for my office (than the Zu Soul Supreme). And my office can't be a dedicated listening room, so the room...
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    Zu Soul Supreme - Best Amp?

    Hi, Everyone. I just pulled the trigger on some Zu Soul Supremes for my office. I'm also in the market for an amp and pre-amp. The Zu's are fairly sensitive ~92 DB, so I'm thinking of going with a Class A or Class AB amp. My listening is jazz, Radiohead, and Classic Rock. Medium volume...
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