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  1. G

    Share your in-room measurements?

    I will say the speakers sound incredible, with the high end being the highlight. I wonder if it’s the mic that pics it up differently than the ear.
  2. G

    Share your in-room measurements?

    I will double check on the next measurements, tomorrow if I have time, I wanted to try a couple more things
  3. G

    Share your in-room measurements?

    UMIK-1 but I’ve found something interesting, several other speakers have the exact same thing I do including the Goldenear triton one R (shown below in a commercial speaker review) It’s something to do with the metal tweeters. Still researching what if anything to do about it
  4. G

    Share your in-room measurements?

    You and I have very different stocks. Mine only go down, never up :-( I’m really confused overall, I knew there was going to be a suckout from SBIR though I was hoping for around 400hz not 200 but I am thinking of 4” acoustic panels behind the speakers to level it out some. That skyrocket at the...
  5. G

    Share your in-room measurements?

    I’ve done this before with my sub which looks really good but for the first time I tried my speakers. Red=left Green=right Blue=center What in the world is going on after 8K? Sub off but speakers going to 20hz? Did I do something wrong?
  6. G

    Is the amplifier of SVS subs unreliable?

    On my second svs in ten years. No problems. Like anything electronic there will be a failure here or there but I haven’t heard of more problems from one sub builder over another.
  7. G

    Perlisten S4s for Home Theater

    Ascendo passive 6 Totem tribe III DALI Opticon Ascend acoustic duo v2 LCR None of these are likely to disappoint you.
  8. G

    Perlisten S4s for Home Theater

    Sure but at $4k a piece you could do much better. Do you like these because they are angled down and you want to mount them up high?
  9. G

    Why do passive speakers still exist?

    Been looking at active recently. From what I’ve seen In comparison they tend to be far pricier while still needing receiver or preamp for ht, somewhat ugly, and the power cord for each are all big downsides. For 2 channel I can see the appeal for some. I wouldn’t say no to a couple 8351’s
  10. G

    New Philharmonic HT Centers are Here!

    I don’t fully understand graphs and measurements yet. How would this compare to a bmr on its side as a center? The new center has more output of coarse, I understand that but is there any downside to the WMTW design vs TMW?
  11. G

    GoldenEar BRX Review (high-end Bookshelf Speaker)

    I realize I am late to the party but I thought I would add my experience. I have owned three BRX as my LCR for about two years now. I am guessing most of the people who rated this speaker as poor either went solely off the full range measurements, or heard it in an environment without a...
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