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  1. A

    Classic Marantz and Citation vs modern

    I've got a DAC, no problem there. Not having the buy a laptop for this would solve one of the bigger issues for this.
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    Classic Marantz and Citation vs modern

    I hate to admit it but I've really not had the time to set up the demo on our shop system. My desktop isn't that impressive but its not that bad either (limited in the bass but otherwise images well). On that system I don't hear any differences.
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    Are tubes more musical?

    You didn't. The U67 used an EL86 in triode mode. I think they could have done better with a different tube myself, but Neumanns command respect in any environment (rock, folk, jazz, classical) in any studio and are true workhorses. Despite a bunch of newer large element 'condenser' microphones...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Emphasis added. Or they are effect boxes intended for home use without instruments specifically in mind. Wasn't talking about the V4 or the Major, when I said I regard 'them' (SETs) as musical instruments as opposed to musical reproducers. Emphasis added. Birds sound musical. Ever hear a wood...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    FWIW Dept.: I didn't suggest what you seem to imply I did here. I said that the Ampeg V4 and Marshall Major were built to hifi standards which is oddly specific :) I know the designer of the Ampeg V4 (Roger Cox) who was vice president of Fender before he retired. So I have that from the horse's...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    I've seen some pretty crazy things used on stage as instruments FWIW. While my characterization isn't perfect, it does put an SET in the same light as my Blue Sky effects pedal. Or is the same reason recording studios keep older tube stuff on hand, or tape machines, because they add something to...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    I don't think so. Have you ever compared a good tube amp to a good solid state amp? People comment about the 'rounder' sound of the tubes vs solid state. You need a lot of feedback to make that 'rounder' 'smoother' quality go away, and with many tube amp designs simply can't support that without...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Yes- I see them as musical instruments rather than musical reproducers.
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    Are tubes more musical?

    I found that if the system delivers the goods, it doesn't matter the glow of an LED or a tube. But I get the allure of course :)
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Well, we've shown that FR isn't why people keep tubes in business. It has to be something else. Its not the glow or the expense. That was my question too but you put it better here. FWIW Dept.: There's a community of people in 'high end audio' that use SETs (Single-Ended Triode amplifiers) for...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    I don't generally hang out with other audiophiles. My free time is more likely spent on old bicycles. I have CD players of course but in order to do this a program has to be loaded on the computer that is also playing the files in comparison, so a CD player isn't helpful unless there's something...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Emphasis added. Thanks for that. I am interested- what is the illogical wordplay? I'm not trolling here- this was really something I didn't understand.
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    Are tubes more musical?

    You are sidestepping my question. We all know that I claimed and claim most of what you're saying in this quote. That has nothing to do with the question I asked. So I'll try again: I've noticed that on this site in particular low distortion is held in high regard. But at the same time it...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Yes- that was me except for the 15 years part. And your point is??
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    Are tubes more musical?

    I have a recording operation but never produced CDs myself. The studio isn't in the same place as my shop where we make amps and preamps and its all analog. I just have to get this sorted out here. One thing that has occurred to me though... If the distortion really turns out to be inaudible...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    On my desktop yes. I really don't hear a difference there but my desktop is not the most impressive system around. I want to do it on the shop system but the computer we use for that is an older power book or some such. Its slow. So I'm wondering if it needs to be replaced or not.
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Unfortunately no. I've been dealing with a family issue and the business has been really busy recently, so I've not had time for stuff like this. Hoping to soon though- this has gone on too long.
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    What happens if more than a 16 Ohms speaker is used on a 4-16 Ohm rated amplifier?

    Actually the problem in a tube amp might be arcing if the load is removed while the amp is playing. With no load otherwise its a different story, as the tubes will see a very high load impedance as well (so will not be able to make much power) since the transformer always reflects the load in...
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    Are tubes more musical?

    Yes. My desktop is a different machine from that in the shop system. Its also a different OS- I'm on Linux and the shop is an old Mac. So I have to set it up with the the comparitor program whose name I've forgotten while typing this. Then I can plug in the thumbdrive and see wut up.
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    What happens if more than a 16 Ohms speaker is used on a 4-16 Ohm rated amplifier?

    Nonsense. If the class D is properly designed then a high impedance load won't be any problem at all.
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