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  1. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    I'm sorry--I missed "duties". I thought you were commenting on halted shipping.
  2. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    I look forward to the day when someone reverse-engineers this box and evaluates the circuit. It appears to be pretty simple and the teardown video I watched the build quality was excellent. I don't see anything to be concerned about re quality & longevity. Fosi even avoided putting a cheap...
  3. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Did you link the wrong article? That one says the opposite.
  4. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    I'll let yas all know. This is all playing out while I'm away from home on vacation and is "supposed" to arrive early next week when I'm back. I'm not inconvenienced by the longer wait direct from China--and well worth the $30 savings.
  5. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    It's not like it'll show up at my door, money due.
  6. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Current ETA from the eBay Fosi factory store is 30 days for the X5 & V3 (stereo or mono versions). The $81.99 price mentioned in post #440 hasn't changed despite the tariff changes... which seems odd.
  7. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    I'm pretty sure this USPS shipping glitch lasted less than a day.
  8. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    All I know is I've never been affected for eBay purchases.
  9. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    I see a lot of sellers suddenly "on vacation" on eBay. Probably waiting for the dust to settle on this tariff nonsense. Now they don't have to honor their 'immediate shipping' obligations. Then today I see USPS was refusing some (all?) China shipments. I think it's resolved. The Fosi I...
  10. G

    Who has any sort of electronic repair equipment/workbench and what do you have. Post pics if you like.

    Ugh... Moving. I'm retiring & moving into a new house in a few months. There's no space for anything--including my complete woodshop behind my house. It all has to go. So many hobbies, so little room.
  11. G

    Who has any sort of electronic repair equipment/workbench and what do you have. Post pics if you like.

    About 30 years ago I gathered up some of my moldy test equipment and loaded it into a big relay cabinet I rescued from the dumpster at work. There's a small receiver in there, with all the connections brought forward onto a 'patch bay'. There are jacks & switching for internal/external speakers...
  12. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Or $81.99 per post #440... I don't 'need' one, but bought it anyways.
  13. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    That's what I keep saying. The measurements seek to explain what our ears perceive...not the other way around. What matters is "Does it sound good?".
  14. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Do we want engineers designing phono stages to measure best with 470mH cartridges shunted by 47k resistors, everything else be damned? It seems to me that's where this argument will lead if you incorporate this kind of specificity into your performance test.
  15. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Wrong terminology. Lowering the capacitance causes the output to roll-off sooner. Every cartridge presents a unique load to the phono input. The RLC of this load can be 'tuned' by changing parallel Resistor & Capacitor values. There will be some combination where the combined values yield an...
  16. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    Yes indeed. Another idea from Google:
  17. G

    Fosi Audio Box X5 Phono Preamp Review

    If you wanted to experiment with the effect of capacitance on the phono input could you use a RCA "Y" adapter and connect one of these to the 2nd leg? Temporarily, of course...
  18. G

    RCA interconnects; why coax construction and not simple 2 wire?

    I've got a box of interconnects I've accumulated over 40+ years of tinkering with hifi. I'll generalize and say I've had the best luck with 2C+shield configuration. That's a twisted pair with an overall shield. I haven't heard much difference in whether that shield is grounded at one end (float...
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