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  1. G

    Fosi V3 Style Preamplifier

    thanks a lot for your reply !
  2. G

    Fosi V3 Style Preamplifier

    Looks great, but still no manual or info on the fosi website. Does the bypass switch works only for the tone controls or both tone and volume controls ? Does the pre out match with volume control ?
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    Suggestions on how to connect a subwoofer on a new system with balanced inputs/outputs

    Hi all, first thread here. Long story short : My AMP is not really suited to my use anymore and is starting to fail. So I'm considering buying a new amp and I'm looking at the Topping PA5 II & 3e Audio A5... I would have loved a remote control and internal power supply, but these are absolutely...
  4. G

    A Thread Dedicated to Cirrus Logic CS43131

    Thank you for the feedback !
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    A Thread Dedicated to Cirrus Logic CS43131

    Hi, I really like the slot-in mechanism, it's not a very common feature so I'm really interested. Please, can you confirm if the SMSL PL100 provide gapless playback ?
  6. G

    O-Noorus D1 - TPA3255 PFFB Stereo Amplifier - Front Display, Tone Control (with bypass) and Remote

    Can you give us some specs about the D2, D5 and D6 ? Will any of them be a simple amplifier without any DAC ?
  7. G

    Douk Audio VU2PRO Needs Your Opinions!--The Upgraded Version of Douk Audio VU2.

    Any news about the VU2PRO ? Do you have an expected release date ?
  8. G

    O-Noorus D1 - TPA3255 PFFB Stereo Amplifier - Front Display, Tone Control (with bypass) and Remote

    That's also my concern... I'm using the little SMSL SU-1... And even if I would switch to a new DAC with volume control, I'm also using turntable so I really need an amp with volume control !
  9. G

    O-Noorus D1 - TPA3255 PFFB Stereo Amplifier - Front Display, Tone Control (with bypass) and Remote

    Thanks for all those details. I don't plan on modding the amp nor using another power supply, but these results are really promising !
  10. G

    O-Noorus D1 - TPA3255 PFFB Stereo Amplifier - Front Display, Tone Control (with bypass) and Remote

    Hi, There have been multiple reply about the D1 that may be reviewed someday... Any news on that topic ?
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