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  1. A

    Audiophonics HPA-S400ET Review (Stereo Amplifier)

    Sound is quality is stellar. Clean, effortless, smooth and very musical. It just get out of the way really.
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    Gear evoking emotion

    I am more and more leaning towards that this experience pretty much was just a trick of my mind. After the experience with the dealers vinyl rig I bought a new (but used) DAC since my old one sounded thin and unnatural for some reason (don´t know how it measured but it was from Vincent) but the...
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Yes, you have a good point. Two things apart from good electronics that might have invoked the feeling: 1. It was a great song I had never heard before. 2. Before when listening to the digital system I was in "analyzing mode" looking for the next buy. When he switched to vinyl, which I wasn´t...
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    Gear evoking emotion

    I posted this question to "Ask Paul" a couple of weeks ago and his posted his response today. He gave an interesting answer, not different from what many of you have suggested too. He is leaning towards that the noise is what does it. I like Paul. His videos can be very educational and I think...
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Good point! What was your findings when choosing equipment? What worked and what didn´t work?
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    Gear evoking emotion

    "There is a real danger that you are about to fall into a very expensive rabbit hole as you chase an unobtainable sound based on that experience." That has already started haha. But thanks for the heads up! I will try to keep my cool. The rest of the pointers are good too. Thanks! I have...
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Sounds resonable. I have been thinking of trying something like a tube DAC or preamp and see if that type of distorion is of my liking. I am aware of that some people seem to find some distortion to sound more real in their experience. Could be that I just prefer some type of distortion. One...
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    Gear evoking emotion

    That´s a very interesting! Is this a proved phenomena? I do not experience this on my vinyl setup at home but it have all my room problems present since I "fix" them with Dirac on my digital source so this effect might "drown" in other room related acoustic problems. My preamp have a headphone...
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Ah, interesting point!
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Interesting. Do you mean that vibrations from speakers creates an reverb effect when vibrating the turntable? Not sure waht you mean.
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Yes, certainly possible. I have however never found LP evoking this kind of emotion in my vinyl setup at home. But my gear is not as good and might not be properly adjusted either I guess.
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    Gear evoking emotion

    English is not my naitive language, but changed it to "evoke" so that the word police will be happy (if possible). Gear transmit music and music can evoke emotions. In this setup one source did and one did not. Some toasters burn bread, some don´t. Some toasters evoke anger, some tears of joy.
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Yes, I am sure digital can sound just as emotional. The purpose of this post is to understand what makes gear transmit that emotion. In this particular digital setup it did not while the analog setup did and my question is why?
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Yes, that´s what I meant with the "loundness wars" section in my post. Because of the loudness war digital masters sometimes have a crappy and compressed master compared to it´s vinyl counterpart. Even though this is not as common as it was twenty ears ago it still happens.
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    Gear evoking emotion

    Not sure I understand. Would you like to explain further?
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    Gear evoking emotion

    So, this is going to be quite a long post because I want to give as much details as possible before I get feedback because I would really love to hear different theories about an experience I had recently that made me question measurements. Or at least to some extent. I want to figure out what I...
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    Audiophonics HPA-S400ET Review (Stereo Amplifier)

    It seem like Audiophonics now have changed the LM4562 opamps to the OPA1656 in the HPA-S400ET when I look at their website. The OPA1656 is the opamp Bruno Putzeys (the designer of the Purfi modules) prefers as he has stated in a couple of interviews. Maybe that´s why they made the change. I...
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    Audiophonics HPA-S400ET or something else? [suggestion]

    It seem like Audiophonics now have changed the LM4562 to OPA1656 in the HPA-S400ET when I look at their website. I have the older version but recently ordered OPA1656 and swapped the opamps myself yesterday. I actually think they sounded better than LM4562 (more open and airy) but it might...
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    Why Audiophonics HPA-S400ET over Benchmark AHB2 or vice-versa?

    You are probably right. Bruno Putzeys seem like a really competent engineer too. I actually already own the Audiophonics hpa-s400et and it sounds very good to me but I have not compared it to a high end class a amplifier though. I have compared it to a Classé ca-2100 AB amp and I could not...
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    Why Audiophonics HPA-S400ET over Benchmark AHB2 or vice-versa?

    In this review of the Purifi modules,, Amir seem to confirm that there is ultrasonic noise. He is talking about baseline noise which I have no idea what it is or if it is relevant...
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