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  1. 3

    3e Audio TPA3251 TPA3255 Finished Amplifier with PFFB is coming!

    Yes. auto-off disabled is under review by FW engineer. will cycle back soon.
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    Thanks for your suggestion,website is off due to bandwidth over limited,we hadn't recognize this as recently many people visit after review by ASR. there are still many things we keep learning and improve.
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    50k is good to go, log type for volume,step or not doesn't impact but up to your favorite.
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    @Scenic can you do a try to swap the opamp? we start CNY off and response may slower.
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    right,putting them at the same time resulting what is the priority for shut down? if it is trigger then there is no sense for using auto,unless there is a switch to let MCU to do a selection.
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    the auto sensing is included in FW so even with trigger in, it(trigger) can power on and off but if there is no audio after power on, it still maintain auto off.
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    J30 is located in the side of the board,you need remove volume knob first,then the screw on bottom(3pcs) and back(left+right) side, then you can pull out the board.
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    o_Othe auto on/off save nothing or even slightly higher than trigger(optocoupler+3.5mm Jack+wire)
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    just share here actually the components of trigger are not populated yet,so it is hard to do that,also making a hole on the back panel won't be so easy. we do have a solution by remove 1 resistor to increase the sensitivity by 14dB,RCA down to 400uV and XLR down to 800uV,but this also need some...
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    Sorry we may miss some post sometimes, actually the components of trigger are not populated yet,so it is hard to do that,also making a hole on the back panel won't be so easy. we do have a solution by remove 1 resistor to increase the sensitivity by 14dB,RCA down to 400uV and XLR down to...
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    @Bushellj Thanks for your great suggestion and currently we are evaluating your idea in software change. by now,we had test some change on both HW and FW to achieve the senstitivy down to 250uVrms with RCA and 500uVrms in XLR,this improvement can cover most of the user case.
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    then you can put an option for the next version of integrated amp:facepalm:
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    for the auto on/off, we are eveluating some change in both HW and FW in next build, to adjust the senstivity higher to support it not turn off faster. currenttly for some people user case,we suggest below 2 simple way. adjust higher input cource volume a little bit,this may case by case as the...
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    @vbutani from the info you shared, you DAC had 4.4Vrms and 2.2Vrms in RCA,that is huge high if this output is fixed, i beleive all amp will output very high as it has 16-23dB gain for a normal amplifier.
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    that is normal because there still power existing for the MCU until 2-3 minutes roughly, there are big capacitors on both unit and power supply and also the MCU consume very little energy in standby mode.
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    @Guddu can you please try this: un-plug AC when unit is on, this is to make sure there is any no power existing the unit to maintain MCU still in On status then re plug AC power then the unit should will auto on. the auto power on only happen when unit is in previous OFF status, not standby.
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    3e Audio A7 [TPA3255 PFFB Stereo] Finished Amplifier - User Impressions | Owner's Thread

    @Guddu @harkpabst @Piotr @mcdn @SMen and etc. thanks all for your feedback and chime in,things won't be so perfect at the beginning but we keep learning and improve. regarding the audio sensitivity,do you have experience what level set will be more convenience for most of the people? 1mV or...
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    the amp can output higher power with higher supply voltage,but if test in 2ohm condition 48V will give more stable as the OCP is higher a little bit, the power supply share the same design 48Vx10A=480W, 480W/52V=9.1A archimigo's review had perform that already,but let's confirm again here later.
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    3e Audio A5 Stereo Amplifier Review

    it is not 56V but 52V which i asked Amir to run 1 channel to cover the A7Mono config performance.
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