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  1. Dougey_Jones

    Apollon NCx500ST Stereo Amplifier Review

    I have noticed that the top plates of my pair of Apollon NCx500ST's DO get warm/hot to the touch, even at idle if left on for a couple of hours, would it be a smart move for the long term health of the product to get some type of active cooling solution, like one of the "AC Infinity" products?
  2. Dougey_Jones

    Schiit KARA Preamp and Headphone Amp Review

    Warded off why? I'm using a Schiit Mani --> Mini DSP Flex Balanced and it literally acts exactly like any other source, I didn't have to fiddle with anything, it just works, and is dead silent. EDIT: Oh, I see now. "WARNING: This adaptor(TRS to RCA) is ONLY to be used for the Flex OUTPUTS...
  3. Dougey_Jones

    Schiit KARA Preamp and Headphone Amp Review

    FWIW, I use these cables from my unbalanced phono stage to the analog input on my Flex Balanced. It works like a dream and I get the benefit of my vinyl source going through the same Dirac car wash as everything else:
  4. Dougey_Jones

    Theory Audio SB25 Speaker System Review

    Stating again for the record that Paul Hales is brilliant and everything he’s produced throughout his career has been noteworthy.
  5. Dougey_Jones

    JBL HDI-1600 Speaker Review

    The HDI series is nothing like those cheap powered monitors..
  6. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    I wonder what it must be like to be as on the spectrum as you are. Devs literally confirming what I’ve been saying over and over in this thread. You just can’t read, and sounds like don’t have a similar setup to be able to confirm what I’m saying. Pass thru and decode are two different...
  7. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Lmao, go see a doc about your autism. I said three or four times in here that nobody cares about height channels and they wouldn’t be compatible with any theoretical configuration using an HTx since it has exactly 8 channels. No amount of mental gymnastics will change the fact that KODI can...
  8. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    The fact remains that Atmos, just like DTS-X is a “container”, and KODI can decode that container into 7.1 lossless PCM without stepping down to compressed AC3. This line of conversation only came about because this is something the HTx can’t do, and I opined that if it could, I’d be able to...
  9. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Well, then everything I said still stands. My setup can either “pass” Atmos to my receiver or I can have it decode it in which case it passes to the X3700 as Multi Channel PCM. A quick google will confirm what I’m saying about KODI, assuming you have the latest version and are using hardware...
  10. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Just looked on the KODI forums. It decodes Atmos and sends the lossless DD+ or TruHD stream out as 7.1PCM minus the Atmos “bits”, which I said earlier I don’t care about. And which also wouldn’t matter to anyone using an HTx.
  11. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Again, wrong. Pass thru passes Atmos, I can do that if I want, what I’m doing does not, it decodes the container and the AVR receives simply “MULTI CHANNEL”. Do you even have a similar setup, or just talking out of your ass?
  12. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Have you even bothered to look into this or are you just spouting off? Maybe do a little research first. KODI absolutely does break Atmos down into its constituent parts (TruHD + Metadata) and can and does pass the multichannel bitstream on my PC every damn day. For everything to work...
  13. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Yes it does decode Atmos/DTS-x, the object based channels just get “folded” into the 7.1 LPCM lossless stream. I literally use this feature every day. The HTx only has 8ch, so, 7.1 LPCM is what we’re discussing here anyway. Does anybody care about object based audio? I sure don’t.
  14. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Nah, this just isnt true. Yes, Dolby exercises strict control over their IP, but they also allow for BluRay players and TV’s and sound bars and like I said above, commodity products to decode Atmos. The break point seems to be what happens in the chain after the surround format is decoded into...
  15. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    I think more people should consider using a PC + KODI. It does an exceptional job of decoding everything to LPCM, including 6ch AAC which literally nothing else seems to know how to properly assign the channels for. Between my PC + KODI and XBOX X I could feasibly switch to an HTx, the only...
  16. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Even with AVR’s you still use the computer version of Dirac Live 3 if you want to use a UMIK.
  17. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    I’ve had Dirac on an AVR (RZ50) and just wanted to know if it’s the same routine as that. I currently use Audyssey XT32 on my x3700h and like the Audyssey app a lot. You kind of have to use it on an iPad with stylus to really be able to mess with target curves.
  18. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    Just out of curiosity, since I’m still considering an HTx as HTP, and the only sources that I currently use for Home Theater are a windows 11 PC with KODI (does decode everything including Atmos/DTS:X) and a Xbox One X (which I can choose LPCM as output). Would I just plug both of the sources...
  19. Dougey_Jones

    Topping Centaurus R2R DAC Review

    Comprehensive rebuttal you've done here Oleg.
  20. Dougey_Jones

    MiniDSP Flex HTx

    FWIW, the only solution I have found to consistently decode or pass through any format to my x3700h is KODI in windows. As long as you use WASAPI exclusive mode for the device and pass through device. But that doesn't get me what I'm asking for, which was a way to pass LPCM To the MiniDSP HTx...
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