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  1. maximit

    Hifiman HE400SE Review (Headphone)

    You can glue some fabric on the back of the grills if you are worried about dust, Ive seen a few people do that.
  2. maximit

    Hifiman HE400SE Review (Headphone)

    i can send you some hex grills if you want to measure with them. Can also send you another version similar to the custom cans super grills.
  3. maximit

    Hifiman HE400SE Review (Headphone)

    I have not as I dont have anything to measure them on. I assume any effect is minimal, its mainly a cosmetic item.
  4. maximit

    Hifiman HE400SE Review (Headphone)

    i recently designed one of my suspension headband for HiFiMans as well and I ship worldwide. I also have black carbon fiber hex grills and colorful ones to customize them to your taste.
  5. maximit

    Dan Clark NOIRE X Headphone Review

    Glad to hear! Thank you for the kind words.
  6. maximit

    Sennheiser HD 58X vs HD 6XX: which of the two "tells the truth"?

    Also I am kind of hesitant to go off the distortion numbers. The HD58X and HD650 have similar numbers, but the HD58X bass falls apart much sooner at high volume.
  7. maximit

    Sennheiser HD 58X vs HD 6XX: which of the two "tells the truth"?

    When i boost the bass with EQ I can feel the bass at high volume, HD650s can shake my head with vibrations. With planars the bass is more accurate sounding but not as tactile as the HD650s.
  8. maximit

    Sennheiser HD 58X vs HD 6XX: which of the two "tells the truth"?

    I have a few planars, but i really enjoy the bass on the dynamic drivers. My guess is its due to higher excursion of the driver, longer stroke and being able to move more air at high volume. Planar bass is more clean, but dynamic bass is stronger and more fun!
  9. maximit

    Sennheiser HD 58X vs HD 6XX: which of the two "tells the truth"?

    Do you know if the bass breaks up on the HD660S2 and HD800S at a similar point at very high volume as the HD650? I just want to know if the drivers are similar to the HD650 in that regard and can produce the same amount of bass with EQ at high volume.
  10. maximit

    Sennheiser HD 58X vs HD 6XX: which of the two "tells the truth"?

    Do you know if the HD660S2 and HD800S drivers can take as much power as the HD650?
  11. maximit

    Sennheiser HD 58X vs HD 6XX: which of the two "tells the truth"?

    Another observation... I boost the bass with EQ by a large amount. On the HD58X the bass breaks up much sooner to distortion, on the HD650 you can put in a lot more power before the bass starts breaking up.
  12. maximit

    Qudelix T71 a portable DAC/Amp for the power hungry!

    I was not looking for a portable DAC/Amp as I mainly listen at my computer workstation with my A70 Pro. I recently got two DAC/Amps included in a used headphone purchase I made, a Qudelix T71 and an ifi GO Bar. I just wanted to make this post about how much I love the T71. Its got 8V on high...
  13. maximit

    With EQ, HD 600 or HD 650?

    I meant do you know if HD660S2 driver is rated for 500mw? I see Sennhesier has dropped that info from the specs page now days.
  14. maximit

    With EQ, HD 600 or HD 650?

    Do you know if the HD6XX driver is the HD650 or HD600 unit, rated for 500mw or 200mw? How about the HD660S2?
  15. maximit

    Dan Clark NOIRE X Headphone Review

    Thanks! Im a huge fan of DCA (own 3 of them) and I love making products for them. I mainly make stuff for myself for my personal headphones and test it thoroughly so I know it works well, Im not making stuff just to sell. When I listen to my E3s I always have the stock spacer in front of me and...
  16. maximit

    Dan Clark NOIRE X Headphone Review

    I just sold my first one to a fellow ASR member, I asked them to post their impressions and I'm sure they will love it as I do. If any ASR member orders one and are not happy with it, I will provide a full refund to them. Im very confident of my products and stand behind them 100%. If you take a...
  17. maximit

    Dan Clark NOIRE X Headphone Review

    I purchased some E3s locally just so I could design a strap for the DCA models that use the newer strap design (Aeon X, E3, Stealth, Expanse, Corina). You lose the wider range of adjustability as it has to be sized, although it does have some stretch and should fit most heads even after sizing...
  18. maximit

    Replacement ear-pads Senn HD600 ZMF Suede or Stock

    I tried a bunch of different pads including sheepskin which look and feel the best without changing the sound signature much, but the ones I settled on are cooling gel. They increase the bass by a good amount due to the higher density of the foam. If you are a bass head like me give them a try.
  19. maximit

    Audeze MM-100

    Thats interesting, i did not realize they have different versions. Audeze did not mentioned it when I was working on it but I was focusing my design on the Maxwells mainly. The MM100 was sort of like a bonus as I thought it had the same strap design. Do you happen to have a photo of the new...
  20. maximit

    Audeze MM-100

    Thank you and yes its a lot more comfortable as the hex holes provide good stretch. Also you no longer need a screwdriver to adjust it, its got enough elasticity to snap on and off the post with a little pressure.
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