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  1. Eric Natural

    What DRC do you use ?

    Big positive experiences here with several drc systems in this house. All of these were new to me as of 2024. Never going back. My hobby-ist studio uses the ARC4 plugin inside Ableton pushing Fluid Audio 8" coaxial monitors. 27 points of measure with the calibration mic and the bass is so clear...
  2. Eric Natural

    Monitor Audio RX1 Spinorama measurements (CTA-2034)

    I'm on my second pair of MA stand-mounts & Dirac has been an interesting icing on the cake. I've always run them with slight treble knob round off and love still the room as energised by 30yr old Studio6s. Lovely rosewood MA700s prior : = ) Minidsp flex does a great job w/EQ Cheers
  3. Eric Natural

    A Call For Humor!

    How does the Soprano screw in a lightbulb ? She stands holding it in one place and the whole world revolves around her : = )
  4. Eric Natural

    Sumiko ‚Black Pearl‘, Alternatives?

    I've run a Sumiko Pearl which was class D @Stereophile for a minute. It was the only affordable(at the time) replacement for the damaged Grado Signature that I had on the Revolver. From 2018 until recently replacing it with the AT95SH. Maybe the Sumiko was one of the reasons I play records so...
  5. Eric Natural

    Sumiko ‚Black Pearl‘, Alternatives?

    Interesting that the OP comes up in here asking for advice . . . and then ignores every advice given re: conical tip vs modern microline-type replacement carts.
  6. Eric Natural

    Help me clear up best option here

    w/my Apple music, I'm sending the Airplay to my AVR(Sony ES). Inside yours, AP is going to your digital converter some form & I would give it "full" access. Try it at least. I also tried sending Airplay to my Apple 4TV box. In that instance the AP stream was being "handed off" to the Applebox to...
  7. Eric Natural

    Does anyone else like FM?

    Streaming is my new "radio" & I'm certainly not alone. Only in the car do I listen to one of my local Public Radio stations b/c their content is so great. Classic programming all day long and serious jazz after dark, all night long. WBLV Radio Peace
  8. Eric Natural

    Electronica/dance/techno/et cetera.

    My latest piece :
  9. Eric Natural

    A Call For Humor!

    How to get the guitar player to turn his amp down ? Put sheet music in front of him(her) : = )
  10. Eric Natural

    Similar in wine? Negative correlation between prices of wine and ratings among ordinary people

    I'm semi retired certified wine educator and 1st level somm. The parallels between the senses of hearing and of taste are fascinating to me as a hifi enthusiast. I used to teach that the sensory threads connecting the palate to your monkey brain are very, very thin and so easily suggestable...
  11. Eric Natural

    Nominate Your Favorite Track of 2024 (Contest)

    I'm only interested in live musicians while watching my computer. Tiny Desk on NPR is so revealing of performances & his woman is fascinating
  12. Eric Natural

    Do CD players sound different to each other?

    I've had good luck w/CD players in the past. The CD collection started in the late 1980s thru the 90s and it prolly exceeds the LP number collected in 70s & 80s. I used to joke that I put-off actually buying a player and content because I was "burned" on Betamax as an early adopter. I thought...
  13. Eric Natural

    Late to the Time Alignment HiFi Party

    I am wondering about the perceived diff of the tweeter that's stepped-back, maybe 1" to the woofer center ala several manufacturers previous century(Theil, Vandersteen,etc). KEF does this currently w/it's coax driver but I'm seeing a few newer designs with this tweeter alignment being used...
  14. Eric Natural

    Wine thread - what are you enjoying?

    what are you enjoying? . . . kinda what I'm not enjoying here. All the kids decided to stop drinking this year ! Typically at Xmas they're rooting through my cellar. "Hey E, what's this year like ?". Perhaps it's my fault they've chosen to dry out : = )
  15. Eric Natural

    Wine thread - what are you enjoying?

    These are new at my wine shop from Sicily. Winemaker : are these export brands ? are you familiar w/ these producers ? Both are affordable
  16. Eric Natural

    Post pictures of anything, with comment...couple words.

    My wife's sister is in Turkey and has a good eye
  17. Eric Natural

    Speaker upgrade or should i keep my wharefedale speakers?

    This to get the tweeters at ear level and as wide-set as poss. There are several other brands of studio monitors that would work well in this space also. Focal Alpha, Kali, Dynaudio all well regarded. The CPU set where your filing cab is, the files left to where the dog toys are & the sub on...
  18. Eric Natural

    My Little Brother the Audiophile Just Sold His Tubes

    He sold the EAR 534 class A amp(he "loved") and went class D : Buckeye Purifi He tells me the 50 watts just weren't enough juice for his new Joseph Audio speaks : JA Pulsar2 as they're pretty inefficient ~ 84db sensitivity. The EAR was fine for his previous pair (that he fell out of love with) ...
  19. Eric Natural

    Mid-Range versatile monitors for multi-purpose use

    I think you're on a solid path to finding good monitoring in your room. The Kalis are highly regarded & I have had very good experience with Focal Alpha(50s in my modest hobby studio). Are these avail in the UK ? I use them currently with LIVE12 and ARC =...
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