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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Well, this didn’t fix the problem in the long term. After about a month, it went into protection mode again. The AVR-X4800 was on sale, so I decided to upgrade my amplifier. I actually sold my 4700 at a low price to someone willing to try fixing it. Unlike the previous owner, I fully disclosed...
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    Denon AVR-X4800H AVR Review

    If you want sub and room correction be active, set Pure mode to Auto and they should be enabled. Pure Direct disables room corrections and crossovers. Music -> Stereo option also enables subwoofer, but I'm no sure if it also has room correction enabled.
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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Hahaha, thanks man. I will report back if the device is cursed or not. Time will tell.
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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    A week ago I decided to open the amplifier to see if I can spot something wrong inside. Only thing I spotted was fair amount of dust, so I cleaned the insides thoroughly with compressed air. After that I performed factory/logic reset and setup the ampflier from the scratch. Ever since it has...
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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    And the issue is back! Kind of. It doesn't trigger Audyssey any more, but just randomly goes to protect mode a couple of times a week. It can trigger after two minutes of listening to stereo music or two hours in to a movie. When this happens the power light is blinking rapidly and protection...
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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Update on this. It's been over a month and I've had no problems whatsoever. So after all it propably had a bad connection or a strand touching the amplifier's case. I will update if the problem makes a comeback.
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    Denon AVR-X4700 AVR Review (Updated)

    Can I ask what were your steps to reproduce these symptoms? I bought a used x4700 a couple of months ago. At first it was working without any problems, but then month ago it started randomly developing these exact problems you and Steve Dallas as describing. I also tried cleaning the microphone...
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