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  1. P

    RME ADI-2 FS Version 2 DAC and Headphone Amp Review

    My USB cable from the ADI to the phone is 1 meter (~39") long. Wouldn't call that mighty long. :D I did some tests with shorter cables, but couldn't hear any differences. A 50 cm cable would just work, but then I could not reach to the REDMI/UAPP phone for changing tracks when sitting on the...
  2. P

    RME ADI-2 FS Version 2 DAC and Headphone Amp Review

    I use the ADI-2 DAC FS with my dedicated audio phone. (Android, Redmi 10 2022) and USB Audio Player Pro in bit correct mode. Works fantastic!
  3. P

    Review and Measurements of Topping NX4 DSD Dac and Portable Headphone Amplifier

    In my opinion the NX4 is still a very good DAC and hp amp, but for me there's a strong competition from DACs with built-in EQ, such as the Qudelix. It depends on the headphones whether I use the Qudelix or the NX4. The NX4 has a slightly softer sound in my opinion (which I like), the Qudelix can...
  4. P

    Any motorcyclists on this forum?

    I ride the Vespa to work in the city every day. Summer and winter, sun and rain. Not in the snow of course. Last year and this year I didn't have much time for long motorcycle rides (work, kids, ...).
  5. P

    Any motorcyclists on this forum?

    BMW E27, Honda CX500, Suzuki DR650SE and a Vespa GTS300 here...
  6. P

    Looking for a warm neutral closed back headphone (Max budget 250 euro)

    I don't believe that eq is the cure for everything and every headphone. I'd rather choose a HP with a basic character that I like and then do slight adjustment with eq. Take my Sundara, I was and am still experimenting with eq settings, but nothing brought me these lush mids the HD650 has.
  7. P

    Looking for a warm neutral closed back headphone (Max budget 250 euro)

    I don't think so. I read it as neutral mids, not shouty and highs that aren't sibilant. Like the HD650 for open headphones. :D
  8. P

    1MORE Penta Driver IEM Review

    That's probably why I like the Triple Driver so much on the guitar amp. :D Overdrive and crunch sounds don't have no sibilant highs or any sharpness.
  9. P

    1MORE Penta Driver IEM Review

    The sound guy Luca Bignardi probably tuned the Penta Driver to the sounds of his electric guitar. ;) I have the 1More Triple Driver, they have an odd tuning as well. They are not really good for listening to music. But they are the best IEMs to practise e-guitar at home. On the headphone out...
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    Extreme Snake Oil

    WADAX writes - Working in conjunction with a leading Japanese optical-engineering corporation to create the fibre-optics, and Neutrik for the connectors, we designed and built the AKASA optical interface. I don't know about the cable, but what I can see in their photos on the homepage, is that...
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    Aliexpress appreciation thread

    I totally agree. Never bought anything from a seller with zero orders.
  12. P

    Aliexpress appreciation thread

    I have an order history on AliExpress of over 100 items since 2016. My orders are mostly small items - parts for my 3D printers, electronic components, photo accessories, headphone cables, USB cables, small tools, ... About 5 or 7 of these orders arrived damaged, defective or were the wrong...
  13. P

    Opinions / experience with

    Was just wondering if Audiophonics is trustable. They are among the very few (or even the only EU dealer) having the Topping D50III and the A50III in the shop. Was a bit reluctant to place an order. But reading here, it looks they are trustworthy.
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    Recycling Android smartphones or mobile phones to listen music on the air

    Good to know! Thought Google services would not work with a custom rom. And bit perfect output works with Lineageos and UAPP?
  15. P

    Recycling Android smartphones or mobile phones to listen music on the air

    Using a Xiaomi Redmi 10 (2022) with USB Audio Player Pro as Hifi player to feed the DACs. Got that phone brand new, in January this year, plus a 512 GB memory card for 150$. Regular price here, not a special offer. Before that I had a Samsung A5 from 2017. Still works as an audio player at my...
  16. P

    Recycling Android smartphones or mobile phones to listen music on the air

    But this review was with the original OS, not a custom rom. With a custom rom there'll be no access to Google Play Store, therefore no Neutron or USB Audio Player Pro to bypass the upsampling.
  17. P

    Recycling Android smartphones or mobile phones to listen music on the air

    I guess bit-perfect USB output won't unfortunately be possible with a custom rom on the Android phone.
  18. P

    Bit Perfect Yes or No

    Now with newer DACs with inbuilt PEQ it makes totally sense to use bit-perfect, doesn't it? Like this you'd have only one re-sample taking place for the EQ.
  19. P

    7Hz x Crinacle Zero:2 IEM Review

    The supplied red tips fit my ear well and the SQ is good, so the isolation must be good. But it feels like the Zero2 could pop out at any moment. So I'd like a tip with a bit more grip. But not a tip to change the SQ. Will check out the Moondrop Springtips.
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