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    Topping Centaurus R2R DAC Review

    Are 70yo fogies really the target market for Topping boxes?
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    Topping Centaurus R2R DAC Review

    I’m 41 and been on the R2R train for a year or two now. It all started by chance when I bought a California Audio Labs valve CD player from 1989 off eBay for kicks and was shocked that I enjoyed it more than some of my modern equipment. I was actually always raised to believe anything digital is...
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    Topping Centaurus R2R

    I hate PCs for a hifi system personally because I don’t want a loud fan going on at the same time while listening in the background much less saving a bit of energy. I know I’m probably the minority though.
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    CHORD M-Scaler Review (Upsampler)

    I haven’t heard the mscaler but I see no reason to believe the future of AI technology won’t be able to take scratchy 1930s-60s recordings and mathematically recreate them as if they were recorded today on modern equipment just as you can now take a low-res jpeg and upscale it with stability...
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    Cheap DAC chips

    Logically speaking then, shouldn’t poorly measured DACs sound the same as a highly rated one?
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    Cheap DAC chips

    Never done a peeking test, no, but a good test Iike ears-only is Blade Runner 2049’s opening track which opens with a large boom and a solid stream of sub-bass. It’s an easy 5-10 second test and it will sound different to me immediately on multiple devices, some more rumbly, others more gentle...
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    Cheap DAC chips

    This is why I find this hobby and the war between measurement guys and audiophiles fascinating and how two people can experience something wildly different. For the life of me I cannot tell the difference between 192khz and 44khz with thousands of dollars of equipment but I can pull out two $200...
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    Does it hurt active speaker with popping sound while switching upstream power on and off?

    I’ve heard some screechy Electronica songs that sound almost as bad as when I’ve had a loose or faulty circuit in my source equipment blast my ears with a dose of screeching white noise. The only thing it seems to ruin is my ears.
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    Apos customer service?

    I ordered a topping a90d along with their dac from Apos. I got them a month ago and worked great for a few hour test run, second day the amp dies giving me a -7 message. I sent a support email to submit an RMA and got a semi-quick reply with the typical fluff of “have you tried unplugging...
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    Topping A90 Discrete Review (Headphone Amp & Preamp)

    I just bought one and second time turning it on I have a -7, anyone know the meaning of this code? nothing is working for me and I dread doing an RMA…
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    Talk me out the Sony MDR-Z1R's

    It‘s a bit like the CRT/Sony PVM crowd who like to spend more time chasing pretty scanline images and hardware than playing the games :) I have a ZR1. The bass is a bit boomy and the mids slightly muddy but no other headphone I’ve heard makes me feel like I’m right there at a concert as it...
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    Master Thread: Are measurements Everything or Nothing?

    Same definition as accuracy, there really is no such thing frankly for both. The only way to hear an accurate reproduction is to hear the album coming out of the same speakers & equipment it was recorded on.…or taking it even further to have been in the same room as the band hearing them play it...
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    Topping D90SE Review (Balanced DAC)

    Amir says the d90se is “more perfect than perfect” so what will it be in 1-2 years when another topping product launches, more perfect than absolute perfection?
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    "Warm" amp/dac for the HE400se

    I went to go see that awful Jurassic Park sequel a few months back during the daytime and some grandparents brought their little kids who started freaking out from the dinosaurs and sound effects, The grandfather actually went to the usher and asked them to turn the volume down and lo and behold...
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    Massdrop x Meze 99 Noir Review (Headphone)

    it’s truly funny how audio perception is. I own a Utopia, HEKse, Beyer T1, many summit phones and ordered this on a blind buy, this was one of the most impressive $200 pairs I’ve ever owned :p Now the massdrop AKG K7xx, got that too and it’s bloody awful and grating on my ears.
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    Why the hate for Grado?

    The Hemp is my first pair of Grados and I find them a bit veiled, slightly v-shaped with a lush bass, not hearing the brightness spike people are talking about; but I’ve also read they are Grado’s warmest and off-beat pair yet. But then again being made out of hemp is unique in itself, sounds to...
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    Audio Technica ATH-ADX5000 Review (Headphone)

    Just my theory, Japan is a very different culture with millions of people living crammed together in high-rise apartments and respect for others and politeness is big over there, so anyone blasting a huge subwoofer isn’t going to be the most popular person. It’s probably trickled down...
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