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    Apple AirPods Max Review (Noise Cancelling Headphone)

    Haha, yeah I know. All measurements I come across disagree with my findings. But it is there nonetheless. Kettles are notoriously noisy off course, but there are other noisy things in my home which became very audible during the firmware updates, gradually more and more.. Another possibility...
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    Apple AirPods Max Review (Noise Cancelling Headphone)

    The other annoyance besides this, is that Apple worsens ANC with every update. I got my Max right when they came out and ANC was outstanding. I.e. when firing up a electric water kettle, almost nothing came through. Now however, it is like there is no ANC at all. When turning of ANC altogether...
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    Apple AirPods Max Review (Noise Cancelling Headphone)

    So after a few phone calls with Apple we're not in the green yet unfortunately. The issue I am facing with my AirPods Max and also AirPods Pro isn't going anywhere and I seriously doubt the culprit is the either the hardware of the Mac or the AirPods. I will continue with further testing...
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    Apple AirPods Max Review (Noise Cancelling Headphone)

    So I am using a AirPods Max 1st gen for a few years now and find the iPhone audio adaptation setting > balanced tone absolutely great (essential in my opinion to make it function properly). So the news that this was going to available for the Mac was exciting and it was the first thing I tried...
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