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  1. Sukie

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    +1 on Sonicfoam. You'll need SF0 for Truthear Zero.
  2. Sukie

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    I quickly gave up on the stock tips for the same reason. I'm enjoying my Reds with Sonicfoam tips at the moment, but foam tips aren't to everybody's liking.
  3. Sukie

    IEM with large nozzles!

    Thanks for the offer but I can get a decent enough seal with Sonicfoam tips on the 7Hz. I just can't quite get the sub bass I'm getting on the Truthears and I think this is down to the shorter nozzle.
  4. Sukie

    IEM with large nozzles!

    I've got the Truthear Zero (blue and red) and the 7Hz Zero (original). I'm a fan of foam tips (Sonicfoam at the moment) and I get a much better seal with the Truthear than the 7Hz (using large size tips). I realise that this is because I have large ear canals and the 7Hz don't go in deep enough...
  5. Sukie

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    It comes with replacement filters. It should just be a case of removing the old ones with precision tweezers. I haven't tried it myself, but maybe somebody else has?
  6. Sukie

    TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero IEM Review

    Thought I'd report back on my experience with Spinfit tips. I've used both the W1 (medium size) and the CP155 (large size). Both fit my ears well, good seal and good bass. However the W1 produces a better overall sound. I'm hopeless at subjective sounds descriptions. I'd describe the sound as...
  7. Sukie

    TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero IEM Review

    I had the same problem. They're quite a lose fit on the nozzle.
  8. Sukie

    TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero IEM Review

    The tips have arrived and they fit my ears perfectly. Easy seal and that gorgeous bass, without discomfort. Looking forward to a full session with them. Definitely. There is a technique, but it's still difficult. On the plus side, at last they won't come off in my ears.
  9. Sukie

    TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero IEM Review

    Thanks for your last 2 posts. I use L size of the stock tips and agree with your thoughts (ok for seal, but a bit uncomfortable). On your recommendation I ordered a set of the W1 tips and they're arriving today. I nearly went for the CP155 after @Jimbob54's posts, but they do look quite...
  10. Sukie

    AMP + DAC for HifiMan Sundara

    I think the built in one is the ToneBoosters one. You have to pay a small amount to use it. I haven't used USBAPP for a while though.
  11. Sukie

    AMP + DAC for HifiMan Sundara

    USB Audio Player Pro has the ToneBoosters Parametric Equaliser paid add on. I seem to recall that it's pretty good. You can then add in Amir's settings, or any of your choice. I use Oratory 1990s Harman settings. One thing with the ToneBoosters PEQ, there isn't a "peak" filter type, you use...
  12. Sukie

    AMP + DAC for HifiMan Sundara

    Are you connecting your phone/tablet directly to the DAC? If so, what is your audio source, i.e. what streaming service are you using?
  13. Sukie

    Replacement for Hifiman Sundara

    What about the Beyerdynamic DT900 Pro X?
  14. Sukie

    There is something very, very wrong with today’s music

    How on earth did a thread about the merits (or not) of new music get hijacked by such bizarre hobby-horsing???
  15. Sukie

    Topping E30 II DAC Review

    Product returns within the 30 day window. Not support regrading faults and warranty after 30 days, at least not for 3rd party sellers. I've had experience of this 1st hand!!!
  16. Sukie

    Topping E30 II DAC Review

    Amazon are still not the seller, under EU and UK law (don't know about other countries). Amazon are responsible for fulfilment and offer their A-Z Guarantee. They are not responsible for warranty issues in the way that they are if you buy directly from them. The complications of 3rd party selling!
  17. Sukie

    Topping E30 II DAC Review

    Agreed, the PA5 hasn't been Topping's finest moment!!! Nor was the L30 (early on). But what about the other Topping products? I'm not trying to defend Topping, just questioning the actual evidence.
  18. Sukie

    Topping E30 II DAC Review

    Where's the evidence that these cheaper products have a higher failure rate than the more expensive products?
  19. Sukie

    Topping E30 II DAC Review

    It's very difficult to judge reliability and failure rates without statistical evidence. Anecdotal evidence is not the same as statistical evidence.
  20. Sukie

    Sabaj A20d 2022 Review (DAC & Headphone Amp)

    Do Benchmark use all American components? If not then you're sending money globally including, I suspect, to China.
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