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  1. K

    Preferred XLR to RCA conversion for subs?

    Thanks to all. I haven't yet tried the power cord and ungrounding stuff, but will. I'll probably get the converter too, just because. I want to run a sub cable to the rear wall anyway. It would nice to have both xlr and rca on the wall plate for possible future use. Cheers
  2. K

    Preferred XLR to RCA conversion for subs?

    My sub cable length is pretty long, about 30 ft, and there's a slight hum. The DAC feeding it has balanced and RCA outs, but Sub only has RCA input so that's what I'm using. Presumably a balanced interconnect would improve matters. Any thought on the best way to convert?? Transformer? One...
  3. K

    Using MSO with MiniDSP - best process?

    The more I learn the less I know. As result I'm back to more fiddling with room EQ and sub integration, cause I'm sure I can do it better. My toolbox consists of MiniDSP Studio, REW, Dirac and MSO. It's a 2ch system with 2 subs and large Magneplanars. I'm less concerned about multiple...
  4. K

    Meridian inversion PEQ method - comments or caveats?

    Huh. What I get from this is that the inversion/minimum phase approach is solid yet best avoided. And then the min phase is the absolute best yet using REWs filters yields better results. I certainly don't understand it well enough to grasp these apparent contradictions but, the way it's...
  5. K

    Meridian inversion PEQ method - comments or caveats?

    In this thread @LDG_ recommends the EQ method described by Meridian Soundworks as described HERE. The write-up is very detailed and informative and involves various manipulations of REW measurements to create EQ filters for DSP. In a nutshell the process is: Take room measurements - single L...
  6. K

    Big TV and impact on sound

    This works great for me. TV 85", isn't wall mounted but still only about 6" from rear wall. Rooms dimensions, MLP,and positioning are such that the TV fills in nicely between speakers. Audio is combined 2.2 for audio and 7.2.1 for video. Front panel speakers are shared, though respective...
  7. K

    Value of the LEDR test?

    Thanks for the info. By coincidence I do have big Maggies and have put a lot of time into their placement. In a perfect world I'd put them a little closer together but room constraints interfere, so placement is a bit of a compromise. Still, at the end of the day, it seems that my pinnae are...
  8. K

    Value of the LEDR test?

    In years gone by, long before DSP, I fiddled with LEDR and soon forgot about it. Now I've rediscovered it HERE so I gave it a shot. To my delight my system seemed to do the stuff described. But no measurements, no clear way to evaluate the results, no path to improvement unless my system is...
  9. K

    Need to set delay on subs or everything?

    I just watched. Wow. Nice job, very valuable, but not exactly for beginners. I'll need to rewatch a couple times and then try to follow along your process with my system. That will have to wait though. I need a holiday break from scanning, and my partner does too! But "I'll be back...."...
  10. K

    Need to set delay on subs or everything?

    Again, thanks much. I ended up going back to the drawing board a little as I wasn't entirely happy with the outcome. The workflow was this: 1. Recheck alignment timing (correct term??) on MSO'd "virtual sub" to see effect. The sub response seemed OK based on previous MSO setup. Ran a 6x5...
  11. K

    Need to rerun Dirac after PEQ or delay tweaks?

    Say I change GD, modify XO or modify PEQ after running Dirac. I don't really understand what/how Dirac works, but presumably it's based on the original parameters. Hence changing them would invalidate the original Dirac run. Can anybody confirm this or comment? Thanks in advance and Happy...
  12. K

    Need to set delay on subs or everything?

    Thanks very much for that. I'm trying to absorb it all, takes several readings as you indicate! Anyway, I took a crack at GD per below, same scale as yours. If I'm getting it right then I'd delay the main by about 20ms? Seems like lot but I really have no idea. And of course your scan is...
  13. K

    Need to set delay on subs or everything?

    Thanks, very helpful. I just ordered a laser ruler, wanted one anyway. Anyway, makes sense. MSO specified sub delays of 0.08ms and 8.3ms. Why the 0.08ms for the far sub 2 have no idea, but went with it. The result is below, showing the effect of increasing delay on sub 1. Blue is both subs...
  14. K

    Need to set delay on subs or everything?

    I'm getting my feet wet with MSO and Minidsp Studio for a 2.2 audio system. I'm pretty amazed at what MSO can do. MSO generated delay times for the respective subs that i plugged into the MiniDSP. Using them resulted in an astonishing improvement in low end FR. One sub is in front corner...
  15. K

    Initial sub settings before using MiniDSP + MSO?

    Thanks very very much for the link. Exactly what I was hoping for. It should be referenced in all the MSO stuff out there. Super helpful! Cheers,
  16. K

    Initial sub settings before using MiniDSP + MSO?

    Per the title. I'm integrating 2 subs into a 2 channel\ system. The notes I've found say to set XO on the subs rather high, say 100Hz, and not worry, MSO will take care of it all. Subs are a pair of Heco Aurora 30A's, nothing exotic (but amazingly cheap!). So, what about level and phase? I...
  17. K

    Another MiniDSP-won't-import-REW EQ files

    Eventually I figured it out. The REW filter button nomenclature doesn't entirely line up with the MiniDSP program. I eventually figured it out by trying all 3 of the export/save commands and looking at the respective files. For sure, REW's nomenclature is confusing, since "Save filter...
  18. K

    Another MiniDSP-won't-import-REW EQ files

    I'm exporting REW EQ file to MiniDSP. REW seems to do this OK, though only in .txt format. The REW EQ setting point to MiniDSP and 2X4HD per MiniDSP manual. Yet the MiniDSP console only seems to accept .xml files. I'm apparently not the only one that hqs had this problem. All my software is...
  19. K

    Best approach to EQing and Dirac DSP?

    I thought it might be illuminating to see the room layout. Note also that there are big ASC bass traps in the front corners. I struggled a long time to with the subs and other positioning to get it is good as I could. It's always a compromise! :confused: Cheers,
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