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  1. M

    Sennheiser HD650 Review (Headphone)

    I'd like to stay close to the original sound... The Dekoni pads seem to substantially alter it? That's why I'm asking about the new-style Sennheiser pads. Can't find info for the Brainwavz ones.
  2. M

    beyerdynamic DT 1990 Pro Headphone Review

    For years I listened to audio on my DT1990 and DT770, but recently went for the Truthear Zero (Red) as my daily drivers because they just sound "right" to me in a way that the other two don't. Occasionally, I try to go back to the DT1990 but always immediately notice that it sounds... "hollow"...
  3. M

    Sennheiser HD650 Review (Headphone)

    I recently remembered that I have an old HD 650 from presumably the early 2000 or 2010s somewhere in the attic that I used at some point and then stopped using because my ears were always squashed against the driver foams or earpads, resulting in pain-induced breaks every other hour. solderdude...
  4. M

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    Success. Boiled some water and submerged the tips for a minute or two and they now fit a bit tighter.
  5. M

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    Thanks Sebby and markanini for the hints! Indeed the wide-bore tips fit tight on the IEMs, but less snugly in my ear canal. Will try the submerging thing :)
  6. M

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    Yes. Does that make a difference?
  7. M

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    Hi! Does anyone else have the problem of the eartips slipping off and being stuck in your ear canal when taking the IEMs out? Couldn't find anything quickly in this thread or the ZERO one about it... It's quite annoying, what to do about it? I've only had both zero and red for 5 months now...
  8. M

    Truthear x Crinacle Zero:RED IEM Review

    I got the Zeros and EQ'd them with the parameters seen at . They sound... more neutral now, or more laid back. I like it. Is the reduced distortion in the Red's base audible versus the Zeros? I listen at moderate volumes. Now I ordered a pair of Reds on Amazon (via LEAUDIO-UK) and my Zeros...
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