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  1. S

    Gustard R26 - teardown

    in the 3rd picture you can see 3 sets of 2 bolts at the left and right side on the bottom, undo the bolt facing the front in each set as these are long bolts that hold the top cover on. The top cover can then be lifted off from the back.
  2. S

    SMSL DO300 DAC Review

    I'm sure there's no jitter, but the circuit that makes it jitter proof muddys the sound and can be reduced by the dpll setting I tried various filters and they sounded pretty cold and uninvolving, setting the filter off let the music flow and sounded more realistic. end of the day it's about...
  3. S

    SMSL DO300 DAC Review

    It's interesting that the DPLL setting improves the sound quality when set to 0. Gustard currently use the ES9039SPRO chip in their X26iii and X30 dacs, wonder if they've left the DPLL setting at the default (it's not configurable by the user) In the ES9039PRO datasheet it says Minimum Phase is...
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