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  1. J

    Active bass module plans (for Directiva and more)

    I think I'm ready to plunge into a Directiva r1 SubWoofer project! Appreciate recommendations for a design targeting two subs, large room. Sensitivity not an issue, as previously mentioned class amplification D is cheap. Prefer a sealed box.
  2. J

    Amateur wants to develop a speaker based on Purifi PTT4

    Bought a T25B-6 pair a month ago for 420EU from sound_imports, I'm diverging from my Directiva R1 adventures with different tweeters and possibly waveguides. I'm pretty new to this as well and a lot yet to learn, one of my realizations is that a speaker that measures great may not sound so great...
  3. J

    Directiva R1 Sealed Build

    Hi @canukhd, thanks for sharing! Very interesting angle on the Directiva especially in light of the fact that the original PR is underpowering the Purifi beast. I'd be curious to see if you solved the hump by smoothening the gaps. Had similar issue, eventually I got convinced that the baffle...
  4. J

    Audio analyzer project

    I was always an EE professional, neither me nor my brothers in (HPC) farms have ever soldered such an intricate SMD board by ourselves w/o the need of our trusting technicians to do the rework. Chapeau to you dear sir :D
  5. J

    The REAL Problem of March Audio's Sointuva WG (Review, Measurements and Reinforcements with Klippel device)

    One of my key take-aways from this thread, applying a DC level to the woofers and observing the PRs following and holding the push/pull of the main driver. There's a video from the OP, great stuff
  6. J

    The REAL Problem of March Audio's Sointuva WG (Review, Measurements and Reinforcements with Klippel device)

    Is the white cabinet using a different absorbent with cute little ridges or my eyes are cheated by some spell ?
  7. J

    The REAL Problem of March Audio's Sointuva WG (Review, Measurements and Reinforcements with Klippel device)

    Funny you mention that, had considerable leakage from the SpeakOn that needed some gluing and stuffing both socket and connector. I also had leakage from the PR and a bit from the tweeter (Directiva r1), solved with soft cardboard gaskets
  8. J

    The REAL Problem of March Audio's Sointuva WG (Review, Measurements and Reinforcements with Klippel device)

    Thanks @Nuyes for this thorough review and saving me from a potential buyer's remorse :p I've considered the Sointuva and almost pulled the plug before the price bumped, eventually chose the DIY route and plunged head on into the Directiva r1 adventure
  9. J

    SMSL DO100 Review (Stereo DAC)

    I’d like to hope that the ESS OSF interpolation filter is not bypassed so I’d be able to use #6 w/o aliasing artifacts. Otherwise I’d just oversample the source to 96ksps given it’s a pc. I’m past 50 and trying to compensate ;) ESS DAC spec
  10. J

    SMSL DO100 Review (Stereo DAC)

    Sweet review, pulled the trigger and ordered from Aoshida. Looks like a good wine pairing with my new Audiophonics HPA-S400 Purifi amp that is just about to land my front door after patiently waiting 2 months lead time :p Will hook them up balanced differential of course, low gain setting on...
  11. J

    Directiva r2 monitor prototype build

    I'm testing right now a 3E Audio SY-DAP2002 alongside a MiniDSP HD with the Directiva r1. IMHO it's a cheaper (and lower performance/connectivity) DSP amp combo alternative to a FA-122 if you don't mind tinkering a bit
  12. J

    Directiva r1 speaker build

    The Purifi driver does have a sealing ring with adhesive, minimalistic though. The PR needs some reinforcement because it is flimsier on the long sides. The tweeter is naked so it’s a miss. I added some sealing foam to the Speakon connector, I can do better sealing the soldered contacts with...
  13. J

    Directiva r1 speaker build

    Bondo is indeed a friend, I hope I don't muck that too. I frankly didn't think of finish. I may leave them as is with stains and scratches and ... Bondo :) Au naturel, maybe with a varnish coating for suntan
  14. J

    Directiva r1 speaker build

    Thanks a lot @ctrl & @Rick Sykora for taking the time for the feedbacks. As this is my first DIY there's a lot to be learned :) To some extent it's a litmus test of the Directiva open source for the less initiated, appreciate a lot your patience and guidance. My setup is far from ideal, I have...
  15. J

    Directiva r1 speaker build

    Directiva R1 first dry run!! First impression it sounds good, meaty bass, punchy, crisp highs. A bit of mid ear strain, will need to calibrate the xover to my specific drivers and acoustics. Will take me some time. Issue 1 - There is some chuffing noise seemingly from the speakon connector...
  16. J

    Hypex NC500 Design and Build

    Very nice project! What are the considerations for the fan and airflow? I assume it's mostly going to care of the SMPS, the farthest amp will be the hottest. Do you plan to add handles, screw in rack panel ?
  17. J

    Directiva r1 speaker build

    Starts to look like a cabinet, had a lot of small mistakes with the trimmer that will be unashamedly covered by a blanket of paint ;) chamfered the radiator because I think it deserves a breathing room as well. Loaded the baseline active XO into my new minidsp and ran a test drive with a cute...
  18. J

    AIYIMA A07 TPA3255 Amplifier Measurements and Review - LM4562 (and OPA2134) option

    :facepalm::mad: I just managed to fry my Scarlet2i4 sound card with my newly arrived A07. One of the regulator ICs was smoked into oblivion. I think the mistake was moving the sound card USB cable from PC_1 to another PC_2 while the A07 was operating. I noticed a 14KHz interference that did not...
  19. J

    45kHz BW distortion study of 3 amplifier topologies (2xAB, 1xD) + A/B test

    If this creates an excessive excitation of a tweeter in the breakup band (say 25K for a Seas DXT 27TBCD) will it impact the audible band simply because the shape of the tweeter changes ?
  20. J

    Directiva r2 monitor prototype build

    @Rick Sykora - do you fill it with sand or leave it be? I'm thinking how I'll need to move it away if it's getting too heavy :) Appreciate the fantastic effort, most likely I'll never stop learning here
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