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  1. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Has anyone tried pairing the Midgard with the ModHouse Tungstens? Would love to hear your impressions of how it went.
  2. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Yeah I'm currently using the Midgard with my HE1000v2's. They sound great with them, but I haven't tried any ultra-high end amps/dacs with the he1000v2's so idk how to compare them against some theoretical peak that an ultra high end dac/amp might reveal.
  3. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Ah, meaning that the power output at various impedances might vary both within an amp and from amp to amp? I.e. the Midgard might potentially output more power into 50 ohms than the Magnius and the Magnius might output more power into 300 ohms than the Midgard (or not)?
  4. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Thanks for the update! I wonder if the Magnius might actually be a better pairing with the Susvara given that it puts out 6W vs the 4.8W here.
  5. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Thanks so much for taking the time to report it on low gain! I'm really hoping Hifiman releases an update to the Susvara sometime in the next few years, my HE1000V2's are more than good but their newer headphones all seem to be much more efficient (Arya organic and HE1000 Stealth), Susvara...
  6. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Perfect thanks. On low gain mode, were you able to get it loud enough such that it could both sound good and handle transient spikes?
  7. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Was this in response to me? I was just asking which gain setting the user with Susvara had their Midgard on when playing the pictured song
  8. P

    Schiit Midgard Balanced Headphone Amp Review

    Is that on low gain or high gain mode?
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