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  1. D

    Why "High end" exist?

    FrantzM, I would say that you are quite mistaken. Distinguishing differences between 2 images can be a challenge : Colorspace, contrast, light, resolution, sharpness... I'd say there is a lot to deal with (and a lot to be mistaken :-) ). Daniel
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    External DAC or not?

    Mitasr, Use a toslink cable to connect the Wiim and the minidsp. The minidsp has 4 channels for output so you will be able to connect both your amp and your sub. Then it is just a quick configuration and you're setup ! Daniel
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    Interesting new Cambridge Audio streamers MXN10 and AXN10

    I don't think the MXN10 can trigger an amp. Not an issue for me, but you may have a different opinion on that point.
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    Extreme Snake Oil

    Hi folks ! Inexpensive snake oil : when you have finished emptying your customer's pockets try to take a little more... You never know you might be lucky ! Daniel
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    A new beginning

    Zillyinc, There is no interest in trying to change the internal clock of the streamer, just loss of time and money, I could choose the same amp if I had the need for a new one. And the WiiM Ultra seems to have quite a nice features list. Maybe have a look at Yamaha amps which are also popular...
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    Help choosing column speakers

    These are splendid speakers ! The price is odd though. Double check before anything. Some online shops sometimes try you mix you head with price for a pair or one speaker.... You do not want to receive a single package when you expect a pair or speakers (believe me this is no fun at all)...
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    Help choosing column speakers

    So you need relatively small columns with front event. Davis or JMR for instance. Easy Budget : Davis Krypton 6 (900€ finition noyer at 1200€ otherwise) Clean clear sound with a nice muscle touch. At ease with any music. Easy to position (important for you) Davis krypton 9 if you...
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    Help choosing column speakers

    Des Esseintes, You need to go in a HiFi store and listen a few speakers in the 1500-2000€ range. You will find that speakers do have their own sound. You may prefer one type over the other. For instance I do not like Sonus Faber that much but you, on the other hand, might find their speakers...
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    Help choosing column speakers

    Hello Des Esseintes, Your list might be a little too long :) You will have to narrow it down. As you are in France, do you, by any chance have a Son-Video shop near your home ? If so, do go there have ask to listen to a few speakers. This will help you understand what sound you are looking...
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    McIntosh MSA5500 2-Channel Streaming Amplifier Announced

    They just are history :-) Brand is linked to Woodstock, Phil Spector and so on... Daniel
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    Very big room (5m by 20m). What speakers and position?

    Ruff, You may want to use 2 sets of speakers. This way you can decide to listen music in one part of the room or in the whole room and have the same listening confort everywhere in the room. Daniel
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    Advice on new setup. From Audiolab 8200a to Aiyima A07 MAX

    PstrfZ, It seems your amp is given 2 Preamp outputs.... And as far as I understand, you have configured your system to easily switch from one usage to another.... So why not just use one Preamp output from your amp ? Daniel
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    End Game (For Now) Streamer/DAC/Preamp? Eversolo DMP-A10

    Tony, You just need to look the about page on eversolo web site to know they are chinese. I wouldn't call this hiding things. Price policy are often hard to understand. DMP A6 is around 780€ in France. Where are you living ? Can't you buy smsl Aiyima... from amazon and the like ? Daniel
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    End Game (For Now) Streamer/DAC/Preamp? Eversolo DMP-A10

    Sokel, You are right. I did not consider this part or the equation. Future will tell us if they are able to take the support / service lane. Daniel
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    End Game (For Now) Streamer/DAC/Preamp? Eversolo DMP-A10

    Tony, I'd say they are trying to take this path. They may well be successful in my opinion. Daniel
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    End Game (For Now) Streamer/DAC/Preamp? Eversolo DMP-A10

    Sokel, You are right. 3800€ may not be high-end. However it is far from standard prices. So what's your opinion about eversolo rising prices ? Daniel
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    End Game (For Now) Streamer/DAC/Preamp? Eversolo DMP-A10

    Kemmler, Have a look AT the newest amplifier from eversolo. AMP-F10. 200 Watts. Class AB. Price estimation 3800€. They are going after the high-end market. Daniel
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    Int. Tube amp or. tube preamp + amp

    So, I don't have the basic right to disagree with you AND I don't have the right to find some common ground !!!! What am I to do ???
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    Int. Tube amp or. tube preamp + amp

    If you want, I can update your words to something we both agree on : Some recent tube amps are badly designed and may sound badly. Some others are well designed and sound nicely ! Have a nice day ! Daniel
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    Int. Tube amp or. tube preamp + amp

    Let's agree to disagree on that !
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