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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    Results cost half of kh310
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    An interesting fact about the PMC 6 is its position setting. These speakers can work in either a vertical or horizontal position. When the position changes, the speaker automatically detects it and adjusts the crossover settings (I believe the crossover shifts to a higher frequency when placed...
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    As I already mentioned, this is not considered an upgrade price-wise. It is the same range but a more flexible speaker. For the sound it doesn't work that way, you cannot "turn off the chip", it always goes through the digital process instead of being purely analog. You talk about the amplifier...
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    They are from the same price range, this cannot be considered as an upgrade. Double the budget for an upgrade.
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    You are comparing apples to oranges, these speakers are too different from each other. I'm sure there are some would prefer analog design, others the digital. Different crossovers, different amps. The enclosure is similar and drivers, but not the same. They definitely would not sound the same...
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    Optical SPDIF to AES XLR conversion - Clock transparency

    One additional question regarding volume control: I see that the SPDIF on my sound interface has a volume control. My question is, when the signal is converted to AES, will it preserve the volume levels, or will it send at a constant volume? I've read on a few forums that AES doesn't control...
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    You mentioned that the 6s are not bad. I’m curious how you would rate them in terms of sound compared to other near-field monitors.
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    What headphone(s) do you own ?

    Current headphones - Massdrop 6xx - fair price, unlike many other headphones comfy for long periods of time, balanced sound overall except for weak sub frequencies. Beyerdynamic dt 770 - a disappointment, sold them after few weeks.
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    What you describe as a severe problem is also what sets PMC speakers apart from others. If you don’t need the advantages offered by ATL + Laminar technology or don’t like its effect on the sound, there are plenty of other options to consider. In the end, it depends on factors like local market...
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    Neumann KH-120 II vs Genelec 8030c for casual desktop use

    This is the link to the script It is not documented how to edit the eq, however in one of the issues author mention that it is possible. So it has an access to set 10 eq bands of the dsp.
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    Neumann KH-120 II vs Genelec 8030c for casual desktop use

    You asked for my point, and I provided clarification. Does anything I said seem like I'm challenging you? If so, that wasn’t my intent.
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    Neumann KH-120 II vs Genelec 8030c for casual desktop use

    My point here is that MA 1 is an official software, it will work, and simple to use. khtool may or may not work for him for various reasons. Something that the topic starter needs to take into a consideration.
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    Neumann KH-120 II vs Genelec 8030c for casual desktop use

    I think we both understand how this works, it's just the way we describe it is not technically accurate on purpose. While the khtool script is a nice trick accessing the DSP functionality on the speaker, it is not an official tool with all the disadvantages (and maybe advantages), something that...
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    You are. Accusing me of spreading misinformation, then talking nonsense. A bit of respect for the forum members wouldn’t hurt. If you’ve measured a boosted high-end, tame it with the onboard DSP, and you’ll return to a neutral sound. Basic stuff, as you say, which you unfortunately don’t understand.
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    New PMC speakers with 2" mid-dome

    You are either writing nonsense or being ignorant. No further replies are needed. Thank you.
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    Can REW Provide EQ Curves Based on Two Speakers' Interaction?

    Of course I can, that's what I have described above :) My question was about EQ curves per speaker, based on 3 measurements, one for every speaker and one combined.
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    Can REW Provide EQ Curves Based on Two Speakers' Interaction?

    My usual workflow is to measure each monitor separately and apply the EQ curves suggested by the software. Today, I noticed that when the signals are combined, new problems or solutions appear. For example, one of the speakers had a dip around 60Hz, but the second speaker had a bump in this...
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    Neumann KH-120 II vs Genelec 8030c for casual desktop use

    Could you provide a reference to the khtool? I'm curious how many bands it has. Nevermind, found it.
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    Neumann KH-120 II vs Genelec 8030c for casual desktop use

    It looks like the opposite. You're probably comparing prices in your local market. Edit: or you are looking at the KH 120 with AES67 which are more expensive.
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