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  1. soekris

    Loxjie D40 Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    Actually very easy, remove four screws on bottem, slide top off.... Unlike t.ex the Meridian DACmagic, had to use google to figure that one out.... And easy to assemble during manufacturing, with no visible screws....
  2. soekris

    Loxjie D40 Review (DAC & HP Amp)

    Nice case design... Exactly like what I have been using since my dac1541 from 2017....
  3. soekris

    TotalDAC USB cable/filter - Teardown

    6moons charge for their "reviews", I doubt they can get anybody to pay for a bad one....
  4. soekris

    TotalDAC USB cable/filter - Teardown

    It even violates the USB spec for downstream capacitance, the spec says max 10 uF and I can see what looks like two 820 uF capacitors.... What looks like flux might be some missguided attempt at conformal coating....
  5. soekris

    Neumann KH 310A Review (Powered Monitor)

    What a set of Monitors, do all things correct: 3 way, with dome center and high - check Analog crossovers and class AB Amplifiers - check Switch Mode power supply - check Balanced input to match my new dac2541 - check No digital stuff or DSP - check Now on my shortlist when I decide to...
  6. soekris

    Silent Angel Bonn N8 Audio Grade Ethernet Switch

    Hi Amir: Next of things to test, Those Audiophile Rated Fuses.... Or maybe those exotic Power Cables. All being promoted while ignoring the effects of the cabling from the Wall Outlet all the way back to the Power Station....
  7. soekris

    Massdrop Airist R2R DAC Review

    Looks like they use regular opamps.... But to me it looks like they have a problem concentrating the positive and negative parts of the two R2R networks used for the Sign Magnitude DAC, they seems to do it not very smart.... I can easily get distortion below 0.01%, raising very little with...
  8. soekris

    Massdrop Airist R2R DAC Review

    Yes, even as Massdrop claim otherwise, they copied their design from a chinese guy, see thread at: That chinese person actually got inspired from my dam1021 module launched in 2014, nothing wrong with getting...
  9. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Totaldac d1-six DAC

    There is nothing special about R-2R DACs that require any special treatment, in this case here is more the NOS type with its aliasing products that create problems. As a manufacturer of discrete R-2R DACs, I still want my DACs to measure ok, otherwise there is something wrong.... You just need...
  10. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Totaldac d1-six DAC

    The TotalDAC is a NOS (Non Over Sampling) DAC, which per definition have a small high frequency roll-off. The FIR filter is there to compensate for that roll-off, apparently not doing a good job....
  11. soekris

    Class D Amplifiers 101

    No, Putzey's is self oscillating, also most common nowadays, Sony's is PWM with Comparator. A new Danish company is apperently taking it to the next level, see, have some well known people...
  12. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Ayre CODEX DAC & Amp

    As I said: It is possible to design amplifier circuit with low distortion without using negative feedback, just not that easy.... Ayre need to rework their design, no negative feedback by itself is not a bad thing. You can get far with a lots of feedback, just be aware that your typical audio...
  13. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Ayre CODEX DAC & Amp

    I need to voice my opinion, although I'm biased.... Yes, there is a lot of snake oil in the Audio Business, I'm not going to pay more for my speaker cables than my speakers, 2.5mm2 stranded wires are fine. And those that believe in "audio grade" fuses, I would like to sell the eiffel tower...
  14. soekris

    Study: Is I²S interface better for DACs than S/PDIF or USB?

    I2S over whatever cable/connector is a nonstandard interface, but it can be better over substandard SPDIF interfaces, like those using just a chip receiver with its typical 50 pS jitter.... For DACs with advanced reclocking/buffering, like mine, it will be inferior and therefore useless.... I...
  15. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Audio-gd NFB28.28 DAC and Headphone Amp

    Audio-GD and me are probably saying the same thing using different words.... It's the implementation they have problems with, they also use an ESS chip so they need additional stages for the current to voltage converter and filter stage, those additional stages also adds distortion....
  16. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Audio-gd NFB28.28 DAC and Headphone Amp

    Correct, our line of audiophile DACs, the dac1321, dac1421 and dac1541, all have output amplifiers with no negative feedback at all. It's all about the implementation, with careful design you can make some simple and very linear amplifiers.... Our R-2R DAC core is voltage out, we don't need any...
  17. soekris

    Schiit Saga Grounding and Hum Issues?

    I would be more worried about the PCB designer who flooded a top side plane without observing the 3mm insulation distance (if a class I device) to mains power.... And although the used power connector seems to have its ground pin going down to the PCB, that's not enough according to EU rules...
  18. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Soekris dac1421 Multibit DAC

    That's ok, I have plenty of other customers that have sent me very happy emails, love getting those to confirm the hard work is not wasted.
  19. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Soekris dac1421 Multibit DAC

    With current methods and equipment you can only measure a limited set of basic characteristics, then you need to switch to a much more sensitive method, the human hearing using music.... Unfortunate that require good ears, patience and time, so some prefer to stay with what measurement equipment...
  20. soekris

    Review and Measurements of Soekris dac1421 Multibit DAC

    DonH56 explain it better than I could.... I also believe that simpler designs wins, and a R-2R DAC is simple, parallel bits in, audio out, no processing, that's it. While a DS DAC have a lot of processing to get something usefull out of those 1-5 bits.... Of course a great DS design can beat a...
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