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    Cheap DAC with good SINAD measurement.

    Are there any other DAC's that compete with or 'better' the E50 or D-6s for less than $200?
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    Totem Acoustics Rainmaker Speaker Review

    This makes me want to pack up my Mani-2 Signatures and send them in to Amir for testing.
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    GR Research B24 AC Cable Review: Does it Make an Audible Difference?

    I've always thought that AC conditioners / regenerators have always had more opportunity to be "legitimate" sound "enhancers" but 3-foot long cables only have the ability to change capacitance and yes, therefore sound. As many others have said, 30' of code-standard Romex or a breaker in a panel...
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    DAC/Amp with microphone input

    I think he has a vomoda mic? I don't know if this is XLR or USB or TTRS or what.
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    DAC/Amp with microphone input

    Thanks. He mentioned a Burson unit (playmate?) so maybe the Focusrite would work. I’ll pass it along. Thank you again!
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    DAC/Amp with microphone input

    A buddy is looking for a DAC/Amp combo (or separate, I suppose) that has a microphone input and costs less than $300. Basically, it looks like there are only a handful of options including the Creative Sound Blaster X G6 and the Shiit Fulla. Is there anything else? It would be nice to avoid...
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    Aragon 2004 MK II Review (Vintage Amplifier)

    Fascinating. I remember looking at one of these back in the day and thinking I'd "upgrade" to it based on how much the "reviewers" were JIMPing about it. I wonder if similar era Krell, Levinson, Adcom, Sunfire, etc., amps would also actually test poorly. Could compare some of the tests...
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    Review and Measurements of E1DA 9038S BAL Portable DAC & Amp

    Maybe I didn't catch the question but perhaps for IEM's? I don't know of too many balanced ones.
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    Review and Measurements of New JDS Labs Atom Headphone Amp

    GGroch, Good points. I don't have any fancy gear, but I did dig out my old Fluke 179DMM and I was only getting about 1.247mv from the DAC output. You made a point this could be a contributing factor. I don't know. Interesting though. Thanks again.
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    Review and Measurements of New JDS Labs Atom Headphone Amp

    I have the liquid spark and the atom and it seems the liquid spark plays louder. That's not supported by what the measurements indicate, so I'm scratching my head wondering why? I should note, this is true for both on low or high gain - and I recognize they don't have the same gain.
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    Designing a 3D Printable Case for the Khadas Tone Board

    Has anyone tried woofill or metalfill PLA? My printer is old now and the resolution is awful, so I was thinking of having one of the services do it, even in PLA, but the costs look a little silly. Any recommendations?
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    Review and Measurements of Chord Mojo DAC and Amp

    With so many inexpensive (comparably) DAC's with good measurements, the under-$500-gang sounds like a nice round-up.
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    what do people think about the "Klipsch sound" ?

    Agreed - very bright high notes via their horn. Not my favorite sound signature because it's fatiguing to me. They have a set of headphones I heard that do a great job of capturing that sound signature, but that's not necessarily a great thing (for me).
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