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  1. Chimiel

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    That’s what I thought, two subs or nothing. My listening position can’t be changed. Would be nice if the optional digital DIM 1 module had room correction. Two subs are tempting though; besides MA 1 room correction, which seems pretty good by now, I also heard the mids sound even better, with...
  2. Chimiel

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    I think I really have been fortunate, my girlfriend doesn't mind all my gear in the living room, acoustic treatment is too much :) . That's why I'm hoping that a single KH 750 sub on a different spot + MA-1 room calibration might do the trick. Wondering though if I'm selling the KH 420 short...
  3. Chimiel

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    Hi, I did indeed measured a better response with REW, just a few centimeters from the wall. I used the parametric EQ to get somewhat rid of the bass hump, but EQ is little use for the cancellation at 50-60 Hz. Hence the idea for a sub, on a different place in my living room. Lastly I also...
  4. Chimiel

    Neumann KH420 Review (Studio Monitor)

    Hi, I just bought the KH 420 for my living room, and have a serious dip at 50-60 Hz, seems cancellation. I’m thinking about buying the KH 750 sub, to solve this dip, and place the sub accordingly. Do you think a single sub will do the KH 420 right, at normal listenng levels ? Cheers !
  5. Chimiel

    questions about understanding subwoofer integration

    Ah, you mean using a parametric EQ for the crossover frequency, and finding one with the least cancellations / amplifications, instead of fiddling with the phase in a predetermined crossover frequency ? Do some like to do both; first finding the best crossover frequency, determined by postion of...
  6. Chimiel

    questions about understanding subwoofer integration

    Thank you for explaining. I’m trying to understand phase conflicts. Does this apply to low frequency waves, of a couple of meters in length, for which it is important to connect in the crossover range ? In accordance with the part of the sound waves of other sources ? (subs / monitors). So a...
  7. Chimiel

    questions about understanding subwoofer integration

    Hi, I'm trying to understand the conditions for good sub integration. Maybe you can help me out with my understanding of 'phase correction'; A lot of people talk about phase correction, integrating a sub. Is this nothing more or less then correcting delay times of the sub, when it’s distance...
  8. Chimiel

    PSI A17 + KH 750 ?

    Thnx !, sound like a big nono, using other monitors
  9. Chimiel

    PSI A17 + KH 750 ?

    Bummer, I was hoping all there was to it, was adjusting frequencies and delays in the KH750, since this seemed to work with the KH310, also not a 'smart' monitor. But if it's more complicated, it's not worth the risk
  10. Chimiel

    PSI A17 + KH 750 ?

    Hi, does anyone happen to know if the KH 750 sub + MA1 can manage successful any analog monitor ? I'm wondering if the PSI A17 + KH 750 would make a good couple, since the A17 is all analog, but I do prefer room EQ + phase correction. Kind regards, Michiel
  11. Chimiel

    can a damaged cable cause a specific frequency distortion or is an overall distortion more likely ?

    Thank you, that's what I thought, must be something else, strange
  12. Chimiel

    can a damaged cable cause a specific frequency distortion or is an overall distortion more likely ?

    Hi, ADI-2 Pro FS R, booth EQ was flat. it sounded more like distortion in upper range, then EQ settings; perfect for hearing loss. The ADI itself sounds sweet, very neutral and non wearisome, at all. Cheers
  13. Chimiel

    can a damaged cable cause a specific frequency distortion or is an overall distortion more likely ?

    Hi, I had problems in frequency response 5 kHz and up, sound was aggressive and harsh, when I connected my new RME ADI-2 to a spare booth output on my mixer (PlayDifferently Model 1.4) After weeks of tweaking and different EQ curves on my RME ADI-2, tube amplifier plugins in my DAW and what not...
  14. Chimiel

    Leave it to the Germans, Abacus Mirra 14

    I just heard the Mirra’s, they are great. Probably better than the KH 310. But their aftersales not so, if they ever need service, you’re f**ked.
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