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    Yet another Ripol sub build

    I'd say it's not critical at all, the magnet is already in the "rear chamber" so "behind" the baffle. I later thought that I should be aware of rattling but I never noticed any, most of the vibrations should cancel out anyway because the drivers are moving opposed of each other. I first glued...
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    Extreme Snake Oil

    That thing should be able to give you about 110 Volts on the speaker terminals too :oops:
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    "Delay" and "Gain" buttons are greyed out on MiniDSP outputs

    Perhaps better not. I have pretty reliable information that happens to more people when working with the miniDSP's. :facepalm:
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    New ‘old’Quad 33/303

    I remember seeing the first 33/303 combination when everything was big and "silver", and if you really wanted something posh it should be black and have rackmount "ears" (for which racks that would be still is a mystery). Especially the 33 looked like toy-ish to me. Meanwhile I do own a 33/303...
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    What is the deal with expensive HiFi racks?

    I was waiting for this one. You can also get the small ones and stack them, and you can cut the legs so that you can make it fit to your tastes. For the bottom shelf, just use a top without the legs, optionally use the legs as a plinth. Also there are companies that sell little 3D printed...
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    Extreme Snake Oil

    So erm, they let the signal travel at "lightning speed". So, since the propagation of a signal in a wire is somewhat between 50-80% of the speed of light, and the lightning discharge once the path is established travels at about 1/3rd the speed of light, it actually slows the signal down?
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    Electrostatic speakers?

    One remark about the ESL57, I see people connect all sorts of amps to them and I think that is a bad idea. Yes it's easy to damage an electrostat but that became quickly apparent with the ESL57 and almost all but the first series now have an extra circuit that protects the treble panels. There...
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    Electrostatic speakers?

    When I worked at PolyGram (around 1975ish) they had a "special version" of the ESL57 (silver grille). I never really figured out what was special apart from the different grille, but it was quite ubiquitous especially for classical music (Polyhymnia et al), it was also used in quality control...
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    Are room acoustics better on smaller speakers?

    You might want to look into dipole designs. It may be a bit more difficult to place them because you do need "room" around and behind them, but they do make a big difference in combating room modes.
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    ‘Aphex exciter’ effect: the hidden “holy grail” of audiophilism?

    Ugh, I remember that abomination. It was touted as the best thing ever happening to studio's and IIRC you couldn't actually buy the unit, you had to rent it and it had a horrid price tag. And of course some very nice albums were recorded using it in that time, which ruined them completely as...
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    Is my new 65" Tv mounted to high?

    My (then) new TV came with a paper template for drilling holes, that was very nice as I could adjust it against the wall and look at it from the couch from various positions. I just fiddled around with it (much easier with a paper template than with a TV) until I was satisfied and that proved to...
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    Audio Purchase: "they gave it to me!"

    True story: I was visiting a thrift shop with my girlfriend (we do like some vintage stuff sometimes) when she drew my attention to a couple "really vintage things" -- which turned out to be two Quad ESL57's in fine condition (well the grills could have been better but perfectly acceptable). EUR...
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