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  1. RenSong

    Audiolab 6000CDT experience

    These scratch CDs by the way. Buyer beware. Had to sell mine.
  2. RenSong

    Amir's 2023 Pacific Audio Fest Report

    Is it bad that I was unimpressed with all the super expensive systems? I sat in that Just audio room for half an hour.
  3. RenSong

    Pacific Audio Fest 2023

    The mofis sounded better than the monitors to me lol
  4. RenSong

    Pacific Audio Fest 2023

    I might stay for that RnB show, and if they have a bar.
  5. RenSong

    Pacific Audio Fest 2023

    I will be there most of the day tomorrow =) Javier (Javi)
  6. RenSong

    Hypex DIY Preamplifier Kit Review

    I just bought one of these last week. It's phenomenal and looks quite snazzy. The dac is not to my taste though, only used for gaming and TV. The remote is very standard and plastic, relay clicks with signal change and input change, tons of menu options. Only quibble has been the remote.
  7. RenSong

    Focal Chora 816 Speaker Review

    Yes, 1 speaker but This is end of life sale price, floor standers in this affordable line are 800-1100 each list price in the USA
  8. RenSong

    Focal Chora 816 Speaker Review

    I have the 826 in my listening room and it fills the whole room with soundstage. It can certainly be bright with some recordings, especially orchestras and metal percussion instruments. I'm actually looking for a replacement but am too afraid to lose the astonishing dynamics the Choras output...
  9. RenSong

    Sony SA-WX900 Push-Pull Subwoofer (Pictures, Measurements & Mods)

    This is so cool, I can't wait to see the finished product
  10. RenSong

    Rotel RB-1070 Amplifier Review

    It's super quick but my room light will do it. Hasn't tripped the breaker in months though
  11. RenSong

    $55000 Nordost cables for $60.

    It's purely for academic reasons, of course
  12. RenSong

    Funny audio related things you see in movies?

    Someone on 30 Rock values good measuring speakers
  13. RenSong

    $55000 Nordost cables for $60.

    I've been following his channel for a few months. Some things I've deduced: -he reviewed $4k mofi speakers with literally $250k+ gear and wimpy stands -he changes speakers every few weeks, but these are 100s of pounds of speakers which explains his huge muscles -seems like many Floridians are...
  14. RenSong

    Rotel RB-1070 Amplifier Review

    I'm wondering if it has plastic V/U meters or?
  15. RenSong

    Rotel RB-1070 Amplifier Review

    Speaking of Rotel amps, should I be worried when I turn on my power amp my lights go dim and the breaker is sometimes tripped. 20 yr old house for context.
  16. RenSong

    Cambridge Audio Azur 851N Review and Measurements

    They are still releasing updates for this every few months. It's menus/UI are noticeably snappier and more reliable in terms of streaming strength and features in the past year I've purchased it. It's my Roon endpoint, dac, streamer, preamp straight into a power amp. Sounds absolutely fantastic...
  17. RenSong

    Pacific Audio Fest 2023

    I've noticed that, thought I'd dip my toes here first before traveling far for a first time
  18. RenSong

    Pacific Audio Fest 2023

    Hopefully some coffee and "green" tea too!
  19. RenSong

    Pacific Audio Fest 2023

    Who's going to this? I live very close so I'll be going as my first hifi show. I've heard next to nothing as far as brands of speakers or electronics. Pacific Audio Fest
  20. RenSong

    EverSolo Z8 DAC & Amp Review

    You got some of your color in my black DACs
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