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  1. G

    Poll for Topping PA5 owners only please.

    That's bad if it was supposed to be new, but to be honest, the part that is prone to failure has been replaced so your PA5's life expectancy will be that of a new PA5.
  2. G

    Topping L30 power adapter discontinued - alternatives?

    Harman Kardon AC Adapter HK-01T works fine with my L30, it is rated 15VAC 1100mA and can be found used on ebay or elsewhere. The barrel plug needs to be changed for one with the correct diameter.
  3. G

    Poll for Topping PA5 owners only please.

    If all they do is to replace the module, then it's a temporary fix, unfortunately. Do you know how they fixed it ? Would you be able to open your unit and take pictures of the module (top and back to show the solders) ? Thanks. I understand, it's hard to fix and is not at all something...
  4. G

    Topping PA5 fix - D01 Module Replacement for everyone

    Great work! If not floating grounds, could the signals you have labeled Mute SW L/R be inputs for offset voltage, VCC/2 perhaps ?
  5. G

    Poll for Topping PA5 owners only please.

    I'm happy to report that I have managed to repair my PA5. Thanks to @gamerpaddy 's post on the PA5's review thread, I decided to attempt to repair mine as well. Desoldering the module was hard, even with a hot air soldering station. I wouldn't even attempt without one. De-potting the module...
  6. G

    Extron XPA 1002 Plus Amplifier Review

    Having gone through this thread, I've just ordered an XPA 1002 plus to replace a busted Topping PA5 while I try to repair it. It looks like a good reliable budget option that is more powerful at 8 Ohm than +-$100 class D amps from Chinese companies. Also, it has balanced inputs, which is really...
  7. G

    Topping PA7 Plus Amplifier Review

    Thanks for the explanation. Would you be able to elaborate on what usually fails if the chips themselves are not damaged? Could it be solder joints because of uneven thermal expansion between the putty and PCB as suggested in the PA5 thread?
  8. G

    Topping G5 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    R Right, thanks for pointing to the documentation. I was looking at my unit right in front of me. The port is improperly labelled "IN" instead of "IN/OUT" on the unit.
  9. G

    Topping G5 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    There doesn't seem to be a line out, only line in. HP output could be used I guess, but for an inexpensive desktop DAC I'd get something like an SMSL DO100, C200 or D-6 that have the benefit of balanced output, or a cheaper single ended model.
  10. G

    Topping G5 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp)

    I've been using my G5 with my DCA x Drop Aeon closed at work connected to my phone by USB and I really enjoy this setup. Ultimate office setup IMO.
  11. G

    Poll for Topping PA5 owners only please.

    I'm glad to hear that! I'd really like the PA5 to last as it's a really nice amp... and I bought two :facepalm: Those S250NC are interesting.
  12. G

    Poll for Topping PA5 owners only please.

    My PA5's left channel has started making loud popping sounds and noises. It was bought in late august thru, used for about 8h a day at low volume, with the dial at about 2 o'clock and fed from a balanced DAC or preamp with volume at 25-50%. My vote was changed from "no" to "yes". I've...
  13. G

    Headphone Amp for Sundaras Around $500?

    My Topping L30 was perfectly good with my Sundaras, but the single ended signal path often picked up annoying noise/interference. Maybe you'd want a more powerful amp with balanced input in case you buy more power hungry headphones in the future. The SMSL SH-8s on is super cheap. If you...
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