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  1. H

    Audeze Maxwell

    I see above that connecting directly to Android phone via USB cable works. Just wanted to confirm that before pulling the trigger. Does this method allow use of the Audeze app for EQ, etc? Also, does the dongle work with an Android phone, or is that just for PC and console?
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    Equalizer APO and playback device settings in windows

    I'm implementing headphone EQ using EQ APO. Players are Foobar and Qobuz. Since APO requires "non-exclusive" mode, the rate/depth of output to DAC is set in Windows via the playback device menu. Do people tend to re-set the windows rate/depth each time the rate in the file changes (say, from...
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    Sabaj A20d 2022 Review (DAC & Headphone Amp)

    Yep, makes sense. But if your implementation is, like mine, full sized headphones (not IEMs) with USB input, there is really no difference except price that I can see.
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    Sabaj A20d 2022 Review (DAC & Headphone Amp)

    Sabaj A20d versus A10d (reviewed recently) Functionality is the same (someone said A20d has MQA, but if that right, it's actually a win for the A10d in my book, which does not). Sinad is essentially equivalent: 120 for A10d vs 121 for A20d (obviously not an audible difference) A10d headphone...
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    Signal cables near power cables

    I'm setting up powered speakers. The input is from a balanced DAC connected to the speakers via balanced star-quad cables. Do I need to take care to physically separate the power cables to the monitors from these signal cables? Would the answer be different if the cables were unbalanced RCA?
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    Comparison: PCM DXD DSD (Sound Liaison High Res Format Comparison)

    It's fun to pull my hi-res files (mostly 96K and 192K) in to Audition and see what's going on. A lot of them are fine, with a smooth, exponential dropoff and basically everything correlated with music. Some have lots of HF noise... But here's one that has me puzzled. It's a 192K file of the...
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    Comparison: PCM DXD DSD (Sound Liaison High Res Format Comparison)

    With this series of videos, I'm interesting in downsampling some hi-res content to test out for myself whether there are any audible changes (I'm assuming there won't be). I've always used the SoX resampler in Foobar with the default settings (best quality, passband 95%, aliasing/imaging...
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    Inside High-res audio: PCM vs MQA vs CD: 2L Sampler Comparison

    Ahhh... All becomes clear. Thanks! So, the benefit of very high resolution is at the recording/production end and not necessarily at the reproduction end. If a track is well mastered, then the benefit of "noise shaping" in production will be just as present in a traditional 44.1K or 48K file as...
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    Inside High-res audio: PCM vs MQA vs CD: 2L Sampler Comparison

    Got it, that's what I thought. Downsampling will "null" all frequencies above half the sampling rate, eliminating the noise. One thing that wasn't clear to me in Amir's video, though, was the idea that very high sample rates allow you to "move" noise from the audible band to inaudible high...
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    Inside High-res audio: PCM vs MQA vs CD: 2L Sampler Comparison

    OK, so I guess I'm dense, too. :) It is perfectly possible to filter in the frequency domain. So why not just filter out the high frequency noise from hi-res files and convert back to the time domain? Is production just too lazy to do that, or are there other considerations?
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    Inside High-res audio: PCM vs MQA vs CD: 2L Sampler Comparison

    So, Amir described that an advantage of DSD is that it pushes noise from the audible band into higher frequencies. So, why not, as a next step in digital mastering, simply filter out everything above ~40-50Kz and then downsample to a lower rate? Or, perhaps that is just how well-mastered music...
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    Motu M4 Audio Interface Review

    I have two usage scenarios planned for a Motu M4 1. M4 USB DAC --> balanced line out --> THX 789 headphone amp 2. M4 USB DAC --> balanced monitor out --> powered monitors BUT, I also have a a turntable in the system, and I'm wondering if the I could use the M4 as a volume control interface...
  13. H

    Review and Measurements of Paradigm PW-Link Streamer/DAC

    PW-Link arrived a couple of days ago. Just tested the optical in and out so far. Haven't tried streaming or room correction. Wanted to see if the digital chain works OK before setting up room correction Laptop (Foobar/Tidal) --> D10 (USB in, optical out) --> PW-Link (optical in and out) -->...
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