Keeping lithium ion batteries parked at 100% is bad for longevity. If I'm about to go on a trip I wouldn't have a problem charging to 100% and then put and on to use. But for regular use 80% will enable the battery to last longer. But, personally, charging the K5 to 80% is more than enough to...
Yeah, code gen directly to memory, and maybe that eventually evolves into an internal API. Assembly though still means sprintf’ing all the code to text, fork/exec an assembly, ld to create a .so?, loading it.
I think the confusing thing on this thread is that there is little word about DSP functionality. Pros and cons of RISC-V, check. Different DAC options, check. 3-D printers for cases, check. Assembler optimization, check. But how about DSP working?
There was a thread a few years ago where some guy with a music publishing company was digitizing tapes using similar sampling rates, and he posted an FFT with a high peak at some ultrasonic frequency. A lot of us scratched heads for a few days wondering what problem he had in his digitization...
I know what an assembler does. What I am confused about is that it sounds like you care how large the assembler itself is. How does that impact the product? Is it being used during use of the product to dynamically generate code?
Re where volume is handled: perhaps that's a suboptimal example on my part, as yeah, why couldn't the DSP do volume control. But volume control isn't the point: it's stay out of the way and pass things you cannot do. Let's say I want to send a command to change the color of the display on the...
I think you should build what you find useful for yourself. Then announce it. Then figure out what additional things to add to satisfy other people. Otherwise you risk spinning your wheels analyzing everybody's requests.
But as long as what you're listening to what other people are...
Raspberry Pi running picoreplayer. If your music is on a NAS or computer it can play it from there, or if not add an SSD or thumb drive to the Pi and put the music there. I've used bluetooth on an rPi to stream to a Qudelix so would assume that would work for BT speakers as well. LMS can...
I'm curious how that would work at an enforcement level. If nobody with skin in the game is reachable by whatever authority is making the laws then, in that case, does the law have any value? I would think your situation ends up being the proverbial tree falling in the forest that makes no...
10W continuous w/ 10dB headroom. Or better 10W continuous with 100W peaks, or headroom to 100W, or something like that. In other words, assume the consumer doesn't understand "dB".
I'm a fan of the FTC's effort to get a common definition for continuous. But I would hate for it to come at the...
IANAL, but I think the problem would be at resale.
If I (in the US) want to mail order an amp from outside the US, and the amp is for my use (I'm the consumer) and it doesn't meet specs then I don't think that's a problem. I hope it's not. It seems stupid to me to think that a foreign company...
On thinking more, perhaps I missed the point of your question. Perhaps you are wondering what their definition of "rated power" is? In other words, is it rated power per the FTC rule, or perhaps to some other rule (e.g. rated power for 5 seconds instead of FTC's 5 minutes). That's a good...
My take on this spreadsheet is that it is to help an amp designer choose(or design) a heat sink. The "rated power" you input to the spreadsheet is your design goal for the product. If you want to use the module to build a 200W amp then you need this heat sink, but if you want to use the module...
What else could it send? USB is a digital interface. It's not possible to send analog over it. That has nothing to do with iPhone or iOS.
A USB to RCA "cable" has a DAC chip inside it. You're still sending digital over USB. But your cable is not just a piece of wire: it's an active component.
Yep, got it. But to be clear, that test shows you whether or not they're changing the sample rate or bit depth, which is not the same thing as being bit perfect. They could, for example, apply some EQ in the app.